Tuesday, September 30, 2008

reason to smile

Mrs. Risenhoover,Good news! Brenden achieved a 96% today on his skeletal system test! yippy! You guys must have studied last night! Wanted to share the good news...I just finished grading it but he has left the room already so he doesn't know yet. You can surprise him tonight! :-) Thanks for your help! Ms McCrary

This note came today by email, and I have to say Brenden didnt have to study. When we went over notes he knew this info. He was interested in it, and it shows. I am proud and he will be too.
This brings his grade for the class to a "B", yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


3 wonderful gifts said...

Way to go Brenden!!!!!!! Isn't it nice to get notes like that from teachers I got one hear last week stating Kayla now has turned all her work in and now as straight A's.

Lisa said...

In had been wondering how she was doing, good for her, wonderful News Makayla!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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