Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Saturday with the Fam

Its wild, we dont HAVE to do anything on this day....??????!!!!!!!!!!
the day started with me going to a friends garage sale to buy most of what I didnt need, I did get a much needed chair for Brenden's desk. Then ran up the street to another garage sale where I ran in to a friend from the past, so nice to see familiar friendly faces.
I got home and my boys told me how they had eaten and wrestled and well it was a bonding morning for them. I started to do some house chores and found Brad to be realllllly tired so he laid back down in bed and soon Devin was
tired and went down as well. I was not ready to be tired go figure right!
Brenden was starting his chores (that were far from complete due to all the sleeping going on.)
This is now about 10:30am. I went out and cleaned garage floor, blew it out and rinsed it out, then rinsed off the front porch and began washing the truck,
About 12 Brad came wondering out, feeling like a new man, good for him, his body needed to recoupe, he has been working so hard preparing for all the end of the year stuff that he has never done before. Brad finished washing the truck while I started making salsa.
Brad said he and Brenden were going to work on the four wheeler nad get it repaired, the carborator has been having issues (this is my old four wheeler from when we use to camp all the time and I passed it down to Brenden) so they were working on that and I disappeard in to the basement ot do computer work, I thought I dont have to watch kids all the time right. I feel I get stuck in that rut that while projects are going on I get kids, well that is crap, I get kids all the time, I am doing what I want to do this afternoon, Brad never complained except to Brenden who was not doing the best job of watching Devin, I mean why would a 12 year old WANT to babysit his 2 year old brother, well we told him its because dad is fixing your four wheeler so you can take it out mudding. Good enough reason right, sometimes you have to work to get to the playing part.
I told Brad at 3p I was leaving to take Devin
to the park and everyone was welcome but I was not hanging around all day, so 3 got here fast and well he was still working since he had to help watch Devin who kept taking off on his own four wheeler, down the main street he would go, dodging cars I am sure, I didnt want to watch so I didnt stay, I let them figure it all out, until I announced I was leaving, Brad said he was not staying home to work while we had fun, so he hoped in the car too, our neighbor friend Cameron came too. We love her. I say she is my future daughter in law. What a doll.
So we hit the park and then stopped at the store for hamburgers and what not, came home and grilled yummmmmy.
Friends of ours then came out and we hung outside, the guys worked on the four wheeler a bit and then we watched a movie after I put Devin to bed, it was a relaxed night nad to bed at a decent time.
We are hoping this weekend we can get organized enough to out camping, one night was all I asked Brad to do, try it out with Devin. About the age of 3 or 4 we started camping with Brenden and we did that for 3 or so years I guess and so many wonderful times and memories. I think Devin should have the same.he will have to rough it with the tent. No way am I buying the camper set up again. We had 3 campers in 3 years, the four wheelers, primitive camping, so roughing it but with a house. It was the best. But so much money and work, I just want to plop my tent down, blow up air mattress and just enjoy it. NO leveling the camper and set up the water and batteries and get out allll the equipment, I want a one day and one night adventure nad come home, maybe in a few years we can get a small (hear that daddy) pop up. If you know Brad he does nothing small, its all the biggest and best. That is a great trait but some times it is more than you really need.....


robbieniccum said...

she is a cutie!

Lisa said...

my grandchildren will be too, HA!

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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