Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy New Year

to all of you, I hope the new year was rung in with hope and joy, peace and love.
I rung it in while sleeping.
I have been battling a cold for some time now and it just got worse, yesterday was spent in bed trying to rest to get on top of it, which ended up making me feel worse, go figure right!
Today big daddy is back to work andI am back to chasing Mr Devin who as you all know does not stop. He is downstairs now getting in to who knows what.
I thought I would go to the Dr today, but the hawking has changed colors and well maybe I could finally be on the back side of this mess.
Life has been crazy, well since my ------------ is in it again and we are dealing the best we can, we hope for the best but realize in the end we may end up saying we did the best we knew how to help.
so Be grateful for those in your lives that are well sound mind and heart, Cherish the moments you spend with your family and friends and know that a new year brings new hope, new dreams, and new beginnings, it is never to late to start a new and brighter path for yourself, or hold the hand of someone starting one for themselves.
Much love and peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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