Tuesday, January 13, 2009


is so annoying at times, I meet with the counselor to go over what Brenden has been doing at home and how great his grades are and what I see about him and where he is going and blah blah blah and basically her thoughts of this were as follows, and let me tell you I am not offended since it is not the first time it was said to me, but this has to be viewed from this point of view.
I was not expected to be anything, well I didn't feel that I was anyway. I do not recall help, advice, being asked about school. No one to stand up for me, or see me through, not to say they didn't but I don't have good recollections of my childhood so with my children, I do expect and I am their advocate and I will push and yell at them or at someone else to see us through, I will search for an answer will not listen to no or you can not.
So........................ She said. Brenden got what he wanted, he wanted to be homeschooled and you did it, well after 4 years I did. After everyone saying let him feel consequence let me do his own thing for a while and once I did the phone calls the emails, "did you know Brenden is slipping?" really you DUMB ass, you told me to back off and see what he does and I warned you on what he would do and now you call concerned, why is this going on with these teachers............. as Brad says its like they call to tell us they are failing as his teacher since they dont know what to do , they dont have an answer, they expect to find parents who are un invovled and they find us and then its like now what do they do, well nothing, they do nothing. That is how we feel.
so they tested in 2nd grade, SECOND grade, nope no learning issues. OK
then back to talk to a counselor in elementary school who said "you went to the teacher first right, because they get really upset if you come to higher up first", TOO FREAKIN BAD, this is my kid, not their feelings I am worried about. (by the way I had talked to the teacher, I talk to the teacher every year, even write them a letter on what they can do for him and how he is and what will take place and what we do at home to assist.)
so I get him to middle school and we are working with him, he is easily distracted, I get that, recently we found out he is a bit of ADD but can not take meds due to his heart condition so there is nothing that can be medicated, THANK GOD!
ok, this story will be too long, so I was told I do too much for my kid, he got what he wanted he will work hard to stay home,but not work hard to stay in school. Does she not listen, home has not been easy I am doing extra things to help him discover who he is and how he works.
WHY am I doing all the work that the perfect school and the system should be finding out and figuring out and instead we are being told there is NOTHING that they can do to help him because he chooses to not motivate, what IF there is a problem and they have not found it for lack of testing and investigation?
I found a different person who is suppose to be checking in to his records and fingers crossed she is going to help us out, I found a great book called learning vs testing. I have Brenden who gets low scores on not performing to his full potential since he gives basic answers in written form, and complete answers in verbal execution, he is now dictating and typing it out and we will see what that does. Try it all , do what you can to help your children, believe in them and see them through, the thick and thin and let them know between lectures and yelling how much you love them..........................

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