Tuesday, January 27, 2009


well this will be it for today, I am waiting for a client now, then we will cook dinner, then more clients tonight. I am sitting her laughing at Devin who will not let me start Shrek in 3D because he wants to dance to the presong, over and over, he is just bouncing in place, if I could capture it on photo I would but it would not be the same. Silly kid he is.
While he was sleeping today I started preparing veggies for salsa. I miss my salsa.
I opened a jar of Hacienda salsa the other day and it sucked, then I tried again last night thinking it was just the day, NOPE, it sucked. Devin wanted to try it too, stating to him it was hot, I hardly put any on a chip for him, well within seconds I thought he would puke, crying his head off choking, we got a popsicle for the sting, poor kid. I knew then that I had to go out in the snow today (darn, LOL, I love the snow) and get veggies to make our salsa.
I started the pit which took longer to heat due to the cold and well Devin woke in time to grill, so we shoveled and grilled and then came in for cookies and salsa making, yummmmmmmmy good stuff.
ok, my client is here so I am outty, enjoy some photos.

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