Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Homeschool Blues

What do you do when you have done more than you ever thought possible for your child and then he gets the blues?
Brenden has been down lately, and I so understand, I have a bad issue with getting depressed easily, though I can usually work my way out of it. He is just a child and he does not have the skills yet. I feel like MOM TO THE RESCUE again
silly but an important role to be able to take on for him. He is such a sweet and awesome kid, honestly. I could not have asked, hoped, dreamed of a better son to have by my side. One day walking in to a grocery store with Brenden by my side an elderly, and I mean "elderly" man walked right up to us and said "what a wonderful thing to have such a strong young man by your side, Bless the both of you!" I felt like God was speaking to me right at that moment and I felt it, all the way to my heart, all I could do is say, "yes sir and bless you too" as I put my arm around Brenden and drew him in close feeling, "yes he is and I AM blessed".
Today i asked BRenden to go out and run errands in the snow with Devin adn I. I love to drive in the snow . To feel like the rest of the world can stay in a whine about the cold and the roads and Brad adn I will always find a reason to go out in it, to play in it.
So Brenden wanted to stay home to get his work done. Well since there is no snow days with homeschooling and I let him slack yesterday on math since I just "Didnt feel like it"
I brought him lunch back (after offering to pick him up and go out to lunch), we ate, I had to get Devin down since he was being a huge crab ass. I then started to check Brenden's work, docking points for not doing his work completely (he just puts enough down to get by), this is something we are working on. School wants him to get more on paper, not just the answer, bore them with words I tell him.
Complete sentences, getting his info out on paper. I am leaving him to do alot of this work on his own, he has to figure out how to motivate and drive himself.
Well his math, SUCKED, so I sat down with him and asked questions about what was going on.
1. You wanted to finish fast so you went too fast
2. You did not read instructions
3. You dont want to do it
well BRenden takes his time answering anything, so he finally said he doesnt want to do it, and school sucks and he then says he wants to go back to school, WHAT!!!!!!
This all happend within a 5 minute conversation with him about what was going on.
He is so sad, he misses his social time, but he doesnt miss the teachers and the stress and the work load and blah blah blah
We talked and talked and I hope I made good points, valid points with him about going back doesnt solve the schooling issues. He has to do that at home as much as at school.
the social thing I have been preaching forever it seems about being organized and planned when it comes to having social times with buddies. You call one and if they are not in or say later on they can play than you learn to move on and find out what else you can do. If not I have seen too many times you end up sitting and wasting the day waiting on the friend to call or show up and they dont and well he has to deal with that let down.
Learn to make plans to swim, skate, movies, play pool, have a sleep over or a pizza party for the hell of it. Make the effort to organize a guys night and follow through with it.
Or you can sit and get down and feel sorry for yourself and do nothing about it.
what makes more sense, so he called a friend who earlier had said he would play later with Brenden, sneaking in on the phone call Brenden told the guy I can play now or I am going to call my next friend, wouldnt you know the kid was ready to play then. As Brenden came to ask if he could go out I saw it on his face, the heaviness lifted off of him.
I pray for so much with that kid, I want Brenden to be happy, be motivated, be healthy, feel fullfilled and at peace with who he is and his lot in this life, whatever God intends that to be. I have my suspesions about it, but that is not for me to tell Brenden, it is for him to find out.
I am learning to let go of some of the control I want to have over him and just give him a cheer from the side lines. I am learning, as will he.
For now he is smiling and hopefully laughing with his friend, what more could I ask for in this moment, oh a million dollars, or enough to get my big daddy a newer truck, but thats another blog, another time.
Peace and warmth my dear friends................

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