Monday, January 26, 2009

25 things about your truly, Thats me!

once you read this, copy and past in your blog so we can learn more about you
they are 25 random facts, goals, whatever about you
this was sent to me via facebook, but I thought I could post it here as well since I took the freakin time to do it right!
so here is some random crap about me that maybe you didnt already know

1. I love to feel at peace
2. I like to blog random stuff, so this really could be easy
3. I love photography and finding new ways to be creative with it, just being creative and the energy it can give me is amazing
4. I hate when I take something I love and try to make money at it, takes all the fun out of it, but I love to make the money, note the balancing thing, it will come up from time to time, I dont have peace with it
5. I hate space invaders, i.e.close talkers, my family knows this, stop laughing girls
6. I miss my fancy cars, my suv is not the same
7. I like to be feel like a bad ass, silly I know (four wheeling, drive nice fast cars, be a biker bitch, stand up for what i believe in and stick up for someone when they are put down)speed and control, its strange but I like it.
8. I love my friends and family and spending time with them is one thing I can do for me, time enjoyed with Robbie, Danielle, Caren, Laura,Eileen, Becky, Jenn, Shannon, Donna, Kristy, why am I typing them all, there are too many, just know my girls and my family, so incredibly important to me
dont buy me a thang, just spend time with me
9.I love being inspired and inspiring others
10. I am a busy girl, multitasking, I think others are full of energy, but Brad points out to me how I take medicine that would make him sleep and I can still go in 5 different directions and wonder at times why I am so pooped out. So I should stop being envious of others and their energy and realize I have enough of my own
11. I am really bad about being ADD, multitasking, I am baking cookies, playing on a few sites with the computer and talking on the phone with Brad right now.
12. I love to cry at church, so freeing, if no one would see me that would be better therefor I could ball my eyes out, nothing like a soul cleansing.
13. I love to watch my children be happy, smile, excited, peaceful
14. I hate when I am a bully to my kids (those bad mommy moments are the so dreadful to me)
15. I love to laugh with my husband, he is the funniest man I know and we get eachother when the world thinks we have lost our minds.
16. I am more honest than I should be probably. What you see is what you get I will not pretend to be someone that I am not.
17. I hate fake people, just be who you are, bad day, bitch day, good day, peaceful day, whatever day you have and who you are, freakin be it.
18. I hate trying to balance life, work, kids, home, I am all or nothing so balance and I dont mix well
19. I am really loud when I get a few drinks in me, wait that is not a secret or anything, are these suppose to be secrets, I am so confused about this little list
20. I smoke ( little) and drink (some) and I should not do either, I think that makes me a HUGE loser
21. I envy runners, not like I would if I could but I watch people who run, some look like they are in pain, I envy those that make it look like they are just floating
22. my journey is to be the best mom God intends for me to be
23. I am learning to be the best wife God intends for me to be
24. I pray to do more for myself after I raise my children
25. I pray my children are the best that they can be, achieve all they want to achieve and more, and be who God put them on this Earth to be, because when my day comes to an end, the last thing I do before I go to bed is check on them and when I see those little faces at peace I know why I am here and I thank God for them.....isnt that precious, its the truth though

so I did it, hope I did it right and hope you are now feeling like better people having learned more random crap about me, you can now move forth in your life, LOL

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