Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Life of bleach, germx, lysol and laundry

I feel so bad for Devin........ last night after we ate dinner and he was running around being himself, even ate ice cream with BBz. After some time had passed, I was waiting for a client to get here Brad had even called to say he was on his way and it was just so normal then Devin farted, he is not a big farter, ok stop laughing, it was the start of it, He says " my tummy hurt" so I decided to give him papaya enzymes , what a wonderful natural remedy for helping food to digest. Well about 30 minutes later he was crying while I was trying to remove clothes from dryer and reload the washer and he bumped his head and I said no Devin stop crying with that upset tummy, well before I knew it , BLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH, all over the floors on the door and trash can and his clothes, my clothes. SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so I grab the phone as I am grabbing towels to clean him and the floor to call my client to warn her, well she was fine to come along, Brave women she is I guess!
and we proceed to clean the nasty mess up, it was HUGE!
so Brenden came out to help too, only getting towels and changing over laundry so I can get the dirty in to the wash, I get the bleach wipes from Brenden and try to rid of the germs that are all over now.
So the client gets here and Devin is running around like nothing happened, then at some point he gets upset and I am worried he will do it again so I try to calm him, Brad gets in give him a cup of water that I was against. Well I finished my client and as we stand talking in the basement with Devin in my arms he starts again, DAMN IT!
Well Thank God for all my hard wood floors, the night was so freakin long with this poor guy being sick off and on, he was so thirsty for water and thinking the cold water is what got to him, I gave him small sips of warmer water, well nope, he threw it up too, then we tried later in the night, and he threw it up again. Brad went to work and came home to get Brenden from school for me and to help out here, he got some noodles in Devin, one cheese it and some white soda, all was good for some time, then Devin cried and he threw it all up............
Well he has moved on to diarrhea, and I am hoping is at the end of a 24 hour thing, Praying we don't catch it. But I tell ya we have a routine going now. Towels are all over our carpet, he is on the toweled up couch, we have a large bucket with many grocery bags in the bottom and one open on top, it is a good system. He is sleeping, Brad ran in to work, Brenden is finishing up some school work I threw together today (we were suppose to take a field trip to the Magic House)
and I am waiting to do what is asked of me by my kids.
So life is full of bleach, germx, lysol, open windows and laundry right now!!!!

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