Sunday, January 18, 2009

so we are trying to get back to Normal, okay we know that is just a setting on the dryer around this house but still.
We are starting to feel better, Brad adn I ended up with Devin's flu, it totally sucked, we both woke on Friday with it, So Brads awesome mom came and got Devin, Brad picked up Brenden from school in between being sick and we stayed in bed for the day, Eileen ended up keeping Devin all night and most of Saturday. By Saturday morning we were so much better but Brads back was trying to fail him, that disc just gives him so much trouble.
So we found that after the illness you have this wonderful crabby mood to deal with, so 3 of us crab cakes and Brenden with his great mood.............
So I am to get back to work today, hope I am up for it when the time rolls around, i need to get Brenden in for a guitar lesson, we have been trying for weeks to get one in.
So nothing to thrilling, we are on the mend though!

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