Monday, January 26, 2009


can you smell um??????? Oh so yummy, of course I had to put some aside for Bid daddy who LOVES, LOVES, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVES cookies and the dough they come from.
I even thought about calling him and 15 minutes later the phone rang, it was him, he calls from the road when he is out for a fast errand, outside of that he is swamped at work. So I answered "Can you smell um?" he had no clue but he will be happy to eat them up when he gets home.
I cant help myself, a little snow and a baking I will go!
I wanted to do some baking yesterday since that is when the first round of snow hit but I had to work and then attend my neices bday party. As you can see though all is not lost, I broke out my basket of winter baking necessaties and went to work. We are suppose to get snow tonight so I figure I would have it all ready to go, when the snow starts to fall we can reheat some cookies grab a nice glass of ice cold milk and watch the beautiful snow fall from the heavens!

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