Saturday, August 09, 2008

Chopper the shopper

Devin woke us super early today.
With waking early I was able to hit a few garage sales, Brenden's original idea, but do you think he got up to go with me? Nope is right. So I ventured out on my own, 1st stop tech decks and cootie game for grand total of $.75
2nd stop nothing, 3rd two new dvd's, Wedding singer, Superstar, and VHS Coyote Ugly, grand total $4.50 4th stop a huge car rug for $6 5th stop, huge moving sale, and this lady you could tell was a big shopper. There was so much stuff they had the sale in their basement and furniture throughout her upstairs, but I passed on her prices.
On the way out I ran into my neighbor, we nicknamed him Chopper, and now knowing how much he shops, we call him Chopper the Shopper. He is the guy that the day after Thanksgiving 4am is in the court car running waiting for us girls to come out and shop with him.
Last year I passed on going for one having the little one and we have so much going on around here and two I only went for the fun of watching Chopper battle women for items he really didn't need. One year he was out for this portable dvd player, he took off when the doors opened and later came walking up to us with 2 of those players saying I had to fight some lady off but I got em. Chopper why did you get 2 dvd's, well you never know Lisa. He says " I cant take my money with me when I go", we say those that die with the most toys wins! He is always crakin us up with something he is doing.
Yesterday he got home and said he had gotten some watermelons, I said "what did you get 300", he said, "No", like I was some smart ass, I got 3!" DUH! "What are you going to do with 3 HUGE watermelons?" "I'm going to cut them up and eat em", I asked "what in a contest, holy crap" So I guess we will be eating watermelon tonight till be burst.
We are bar b queing with them tonight. Burgers and brauts baby!
I made homemade salsa this morning, YUMMY! So I am off for a quick rest now.
Brenden is finishing up his lesson with Uncle Tim, Uncle Tim by the way was playing a song that was driving me nuts, I knew what it was but could not think of the words, he finally helped me out, More than words by Extreme...

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