Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I can play on my own

I have noticed Devin has slowly been doing a bit more free play, getting something out and not just dumping and throwing around, but actually playing with it for a few moments. That to me is a big step. Devin is so busy all the time. Brenden was too except this is different. Brenden would be contect to watch tv. Devin is content running through the house and making messes or cleaning messes. He just got out the cooties game I got, okay well he is throwing them at the moment, but he was sitting there piecing them together and playing. He is maturing right in front of me.
Yesterday he was playing with a motorcycle for a bit, even played with it again today.
I am thinking a Mr Potato head could be in our future.
I dont like the thought of a million pieces of anything, but I do try to have containers for toys to find homes in to keep them together, then when he finishes playing we pick it up and back to the container and to the closet it goes, okay he has just scooted out the playdough, so its time to hit it.

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