Monday, August 18, 2008

Find your even Steven

I am sooooooo I dont know what. I am not happy, with me.
I am all over the place and I have like all these personalities.
I love my husband and family and my kids and being a mom. Then I feel run down, as though I put so much in to them, or they want so much out of me, I have just been frustrated for some time now and I am in a weird place today, working through this feeling.
I am an extreme person. Seems there is no little of this or little of that,Its alot or none. I think I want to adjust that in my life, So its a goal.
Even out reality
Even out friends and family
even out time for self endulgences
even out temper and patience
even out computer and human contact
keep my mouth shut more, listen more. Do less and let others figure things out, ask for help more often.
I did start this as a place to stop , type those feelings, breath through them and move on.
I just on the way get to leave funny jokes, photos of my life, stories of my kids, inspirations, and whatever else I can share with the blogging club.
Bare with me, its a big journey.......
my church is starting Saturday night service again, I think I might go again.

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