Thursday, August 14, 2008

I think I want to be a Pastry Chef

RIGHT ON!!!!!!!
Brenden has been talking a bit about things he may like to do when he grows up.
First he said a chef, we you have to love to eat to do that, well atleast be willing to try food, Brenden is picky, So he could be a picky chef right?
He wanted to learn to cook, "mom find some recipes for kids" he states. Well I had some anyway and just had not dug them out, till yesterday. He went to the first recipe and said he was ready to make chocolate octopus', these are cookies that look like octopus, you know the recipe with the pretty photo of the perfect cookies.
So I had him make his list and check our pantry for the items needed and mark what was left. He, on his own since I was caring for a still battling some type of virus Devin and what not able to help him much, took off making his cookies.
All said and done, he did a great job, the cookies were good and maybe not picture perfect but they were yummy. Wonder what he will tackle next. He says he will be making a birthday cake for his dad this year..... He is so precious!

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