Friday, August 22, 2008

A photographer is born

Devin loves to take photos any chance he gets and I have been wanting to get him his own toy camera. He will take my tripod and stand behind it saying "CHEESE!"
and trying to photograph with my big camera which makes me oh too nervous and usually a fight insues since I wont let him have free reign of it.
So today we hit the resale for the 3rd day in a row, I promise I will not be going back anymore I have bought enough needed and a few unneeded items. But today we found two toy cameras, one truly a toy, the other a toy that actually takes photos, Devin was sold from a distance when I held it up, He knew immediatly what it was and ran over saying mine and put it around his neck and off he marched.
We put batteries in it so the flash works and yes he sets the flash off while facing the camera to him. After he flashed that sucker about 10 times with mommy's help, I was on the brink of a migrain and he a nervous break down due to his not being able to figure out yet how to set the film dial forward so the flash will go off again. So before I lost my mind I decided to put the camera up and him down for a photographers nap.


robbieniccum said...

you are such a good battery replacer person!!!

Lisa said...

LOL!!! you know how many moms say to me, if the batteries go out you are out of luck, I replace them, makes me wonder what is up with me, I am a doer I guess, maybe I work for my kids a bit much, but they listen to me and my mouth, so lets say its even, HAr

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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