Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What a long night

Devin still didnt feel well all night, he ran 102-103.6 fever, I usually let my kids run fevers, till they hit 102. Well this fever was breaking through the tylenol. I think he did better with Ibuprophen. So I dont think I slept a full hour last night, it was a ton of cat naps, between his whining, crying out, fever sweating, or whatever woke me. I was soooo tired this morning, but we had to take Casey to get stitches out, my dogs have been out of food for 2 days, we needed more tylenol, and we had a paycheck that was sitting since last week waiting for deposit. Brenden helped out with the errands. On the way out we called the Dr to ask about Devin's fever, of course they want you to come in, so they can more than likely do nothing. After being out for 1 1/2 hours Devin seemed to be holding the fever at bay. So I called to cancel his appointment. We finished our errands and headed home. He has been doing well, I did start him on a homeopath this morning so either the change in fever reducer or homeopath, either way he is improving, a bit craby still and wanting to be held now and then, the fever has not come back full strength.
He has even doctoring his baby now, and bringing me the temp gauge to check him, Nope no fever Devin. And this baby, a bump on the ankle
a shot,no fever,
and a cure for talking too much
she is on her way.
I still have not taken a nap, which will catch up to me later, I have two clients at 3, color cut, and a cut. Tonight I have a funeral for a client who was 90, she was amazing, a softball hall of fame inducte even, Isabel passed away on Sunday. I have then another haircut to tend to by 7.
Not sure how to swing it all when Brad comes home by 6:30 if I am lucky, I still have to work this out huh.
I have been getting my pile together
, there is a huge, I mean HUGE resale once a year, well maybe its twice anyway I am participating this go around, I didnt think I had much, turns out I was wrong, Devin doesnt play with many items, so I can send them packing, Well Devin is jumping in front of me with ice cream, I better go I guess.

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