Thursday, August 14, 2008

Good morning ER

ER visit anyone
So Devin has not been feeling well since Monday, just a fever to start, then we did the Tylenol thing. His fever was breaking through that. We soon moved on to our so loved homeopathy medicine. That we began Tuesday morning after a night of fever, we also called his doctor to bring him in due to the ongoing fever and the Tylenol not working well on it. We had time to take the dog to the vet and run a few errands, and we did all this because Devin was just being quiet and his illness was without any other symptoms. We decided since the homoepathy was holding back his fever that we would not go to the doctor, what were they going to do, he had nothing to show them. He got better and better through out the day, but still crabby. Wednesday was even better, we ran to therapy and went swimming. He was running around back to pooping and going potty too. All was well till a late nap, he woke with a fever and these huge red dots, you would have thought he slept with a mosquito who was determined to give mirrored bites on his neck, forearms, legs, face. There was a slight rash too. So i started taking photos to email our homeopathy doctor, she is out of town but I took a chance she would get her email. Well I never got around to sending the photos, we gave a bath incase it was from the pool, he ate dinner well and was acting better. Bedtime came and it all started again, fever, crabby, restless. It was a night of up and down, this morning after coming to the couches with him he had a rash allllllllllll over. So fearing it could be scarlet fever or strep I sent email to homeopath dr, gave a remedy I felt suitable and headed to ER for a check in. Of course we went there thinking it would be closer and faster than the dr who was not open yet, to pull up and see the helicopter landing, wonderful, sorry for them, but now maybe we should go to the doctor anyway. Well we waited they got us in to the children's ER. They tested and it came back negative for strep, not that he couldn't have it, but no meds, no idea, just virus and take Tylenol and benedryl, well we came home with thoughts of the homeopath we would start him on. The alternative dr had bless her heart gotten my email and emailed back from her vacation confirming my thoughts of what he should take and to be sure he rested and drank and he would work through what she felt was a virus as well.
So this has been our day, watching my poor baby cry out and lay on the couch, we dose him every half hour.
Praying this to leave him alone soon.....
Devin is feeling much better, still bad on appetite but no fever this morning and rash is prevalent though not as irritating to him.
Thanks to a experience mommy with this rash, the suggestion was that it could be fifths disease
way to go smart mommy, I am off to research the homeopath and 5th's disease, probably same suggestions as to what I am already supporting him with, but its nice to stay informed.
so yup, Belladonna is a recommendation, we are already giving it.


3 wonderful gifts said...

have you heard of Fifth disease? It sounds like it, my kids had it and they were so darn crabby and the fever came and went then they got a rash all over and then those reds spots showed up all over their face and next. If that's what it is then you just have to let it run. I've also had it and it makes you feel aweful sometimes but then sometimes you feel great.

Lisa said...

hey you just totally described what he has, way to go, I have to say he is again so much better this morning, Bid daddy had him sleep in our bed so I didnt go to the couch again, my back is killing me as is from bad sleep and carrying Devin all week.
Brenden didnt have 5th's disease ever so that never crossed my mind, but Robbies kids had it not long ago, I think, so it must be going around in these parts.
Thanks for the eye opener.

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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