Monday, January 26, 2009

Prayers for family

Please say a prayer for Brads dad, Bob was driving with his wife to Chicago this weekend, just over an hour drive from where they hang their coats every night and he stated that he was not feeling well and with that passed out, thankfully to God his wife Debbie was driving and was able to get them to a rest stop and call the Hospital, well things were not smooth but they did get to a hospital and he was tested and nothing immediate was found. He has had previous heart blockage and a Benin brain tumor so they safer to return home to their own Doctors, Bob was placed in the hospital and he is still there. They believe he could have had a seizure, but why he would have had that and if he had one is still to be determined, no matter what they could use our prayers at this time.
Please remember Bob and Debbie in your prayers this day and evening, I will update this posting as I learn more......
Such a wonderful feeling to know that I have God friends out there..


Anonymous said...

sorry to hear about this Lisa- i hope everythign is ok with Brad's dad. how was your night out on Friday???

robbieniccum said...

ABSOLUTELY!!! I do pray for Bob, for his doctors to have the knowledge to find the problem and the solution to be as painless as possible and of course the perfect Healer will be right by his side the whole time... I also pray for peace for Debbie as she waits for the results :):):)
Did Brad's back ever get better???
Let me know if I can do anything for mama?

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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