Sunday, January 04, 2009

quick talk

Well I am sitting waiting for a client to arrive, Devin is in bed for a nap, Brad went in to work for a bit and Brenden is finishing his visit with Mo.
We did some shopping today, I had to return a wonderful gift due to it not working properly, then even thought if I could replace it the idea of it in the long run is not so good.
It was a liquor shot dispenser, you drop 6 bottles upside down and you can dispense one shot at a time, great idea. Well one bottle leaked and I thought I dont need that mess, I will get a different one. The longer deeper thought is that I dont need shots easily accessible with preteens running around my home. So I took it back.
We ended up finding jeans for Brad, some clearance thermal shirts for myself, slippers for Devin and two shirts and one pair of pants for Brenden.
I really wanted a nice size crock pot to hold rotel cheese dip for my basement gatherings, but seems that the shelves had been picked over pretty good so we left with our personal items and plan to hit kohls soon to find the perfect crock, oh clients here, so I am outty!!!!!

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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