Sunday, July 06, 2008

surviving the weekend

Well we made it through, we had a great weekend, full of family and fireworks, food and gifts. One more party next weekend and we are through the birthdays for my big boys. Friday we had the Risenhoover Family over for food and fireworks, it turned out to be such a great afternoon with wonderful weather to boot.
Kids were up late and thought for sure they would sleep in on Saturday, well they did a little. Brenden wanted to be surprised in the morning for his birthday which meant I had to be creative at first light. GREAT!
well he was lucky, I had my thinking cap on when I woke, so I ventured out for donuts, and we woke him with a long john and candles and a birthday tune that was more out than in.
We gave Brenden his gifts, a Wii and an electric scooter. He stated it was his best birthday.
we played a round of bowling and then cleaned up fireworks while Brenden rode his scooter. The afternoon brought a 3 year old birthday party that Brenden and I shortly attended and then off to Aunt Geri and Uncle Greg's for dinner.
Today was spent basement shopping and napping, Brad is soooooooooo close to being done with the basement project, Our couches come on Wed and we have family coming again on Saturday, I Hope to get inspections done and over this week so we can clean and move in to the lower level.
Off for now, so tired, I have been pooped lately. Hope that changes soon.

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