Wednesday, July 09, 2008


ohhhhhhhhh, so I am ready for bed, but feel like posting another line or two.
I am trying different web sites out and hoping to keep up with them, I dont always feel too creative or that I have much to type about though I have enough going on in my life to write a book about really.
Today we ventured to my sisters after our wonderful couches arrived, after watching those guys sweat and about break their backs hauling those suckers in I am 100% sold on the fact that I only paid them $80 to deliver, decision well made.
LOVE the couches by the way.
We went swimming at my sister's and Devin did so well in his life jacket, screaming with joy and looking for his BB to get anywhere close to him so he could latch on and go for a ride.
I have some concern for my kids, I need to research them. They both have these stiff hips, Brenden I have taken for physical therapy, but that gets to be expensive and he doesn't do the work at home so why am I paying for him not to follow through, well Devin I noticed from crawling stages on, he gives out, his arm will give out when he would crawl and he would slam his face to the ground, well now if he trips/stumbles whatever it is, alot of times once he is to his knee he gives out and goes face first, like he tips over, WHAT THE BLEEP!!!
I am concerned and not sure whom to contact first about this, but will do so in case there is something someone can do to help him. My kids both being preemies, maybe this has something to do with it.
So Devin was a wild man after nap, running, playing, inside, outside, on the new couches, into every work item left in the basement, Thought I was going to put his butt on Craigs list at one point. We survived though, Brenden spent time with his friends and got home about 9, we got Devin to bed, then Brad got home from work.
That would be he went in about 4:30 and home about 9:30. CRAZY
This is our life right now though, so much going on. I have missed seeing my friends as much as I would like to, oh make that seeing my friends period. I work Thursday, Sisters Friday for movie and haircuts, and party on Saturday. I am just now getting things ready for it. Finally feeling creative about our puppy themed party for Devin (Brenden too, but he is open to whatever) sister is making puppy chow snack, we have signs for the house with dog pics, they turned out cute, I am going to cut out cardboard tomorrow like dog houses and buy some dog bowls for ice cream. Laura and I are going to make a big round cake and 3 cup cakes to make a dog print Birthday cake
and some other ideas we will see if they come together, oh all snacks have a dog them wrapper, instead of juice to drink, we have puppy punch and doggie lemonade, we have scooby snacks and pupcorn. Should be fun, but he's two, he will only remember what the photos tell him.
okay off to bed. Hope to run errands while Devin naps tomorrow, if I stay up much longer I will be napping too, Tah Tah for now

1 comment:

robbieniccum said...

you were going to put Devin on Craigslist? That is hilarious! Sam and Mia start school in one week so Zach, Siler, and I would love to come see those new couches : )

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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