Sunday, July 20, 2008

guitar lessons

So Brenden had his first guitar lesson on Saturday, his Uncle Tim, a musician at heart , has offered to be his teacher. Brenden said his fingers sure did hurt but he is so excited to be learning a new instrument.
I dont think that child stopped smiling from the time we got in the truck to go for the lesson till we got home. I hope this to continue to be a great thing, a direction for Brenden that he needs right now. He is like me, idleness makes us feel depressed, we have to be going, creative, intouch and full. A down day is nice but two down days can run us batty.
I am so excited for him, He tried today to show me some notes, well my nails are in the way so I will have to chop them down and try again.
We told Brad he may have to build a stage for all our musical instruments
piano, guitar, drums and flute, we just need two turn tables and a microphone, but dont think Brenden has not asked for that years ago, HA

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