Saturday, July 26, 2008

Come on in Mr. Turtle

As I was walking past the atrium window I look down and see the gate to the play area open, then I see a turtle walking by the play set. Of course my first goofy thought is "That turtle just let himself in!" But since I am not on any drugs (at the moment) I do know there is no way, or is there.
The kids loved playing with him and soon let him go down by the creek near the trees.


3 wonderful gifts said...

Where did you get that Shirt on Devin I love it!!!!!

Lisa said...

Hi there
we got the shirt at kohls, I tried to email you, we shall see if it worked, anyway Brenden found it, loved it, they may sell it on line, didnt know if they had a kohls where you lived!!!!

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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