Thursday, July 31, 2008

One thing leads to another

So I take my one dog to the vet yesterday for a teeth cleaning and to have a little cyst removed, no big deal right, they want to know if I want extra blood work done, no he is fine, just do the stuff, well sign here if you want us to call you for other things we find wrong, why, its a teeth cleaning.
So I go to visit dear Robbie, when I leave I find I have no electric to my truck, well I don't have windows, speedometers, gas gauge, radio, okay I can deal, I leave my husband a message (by the way he undid the cable to the battery and reconnect it, well now it is working again so we are okay for a bit)
So I go to get the dog, $487, what the hell. He had a loose tooth, so we pulled it, are you kidding me!!!!, let the tooth fall out for goodness sakes.(But i signed that they didnt have to call me) oh and that little cyst that they would just pop out, that wasnt cheap either, So the teeth, cyst, meds and go home meds tallied up fast. Okay, I will deal, breath. Oh How much is doggie insurance anyway.
so last night I hardly sleep since the dog is now coughing and gagging like crazy, probably from the tube down his throat. I too have had a horrible cough so that has me up as well. This morning I wake to the dog still coughing. I call the vet, they suggest Robitussin (not for me, for the dog) or come get some meds. I will try the cough syrup for now thanks. I go downstairs and find pee pee, great. I clean it up and then find more, all in all I think it was at least 3 different times (maybe more), not just from yesterday though, there were I think 3 fresh spots, and other older spots. With all the rain the dogs are just making their own outside downstairs. I go call the vet again, since one spot had blood in it , they may want a sample the receptionist says, I am not catching dog pee from my dog okay. Just note the next time he needs his teeth cleaning we are buying a doggie tooth brush. Why is it that I bring the damn dog in for one small thing, okay two and now I have all this other crap to deal with, well She thinks I'm great. Yea that's what my kids are saying right about now, Great Mom, shes ready to throw a BF again this morning.
I have kids not cleaning up after themselves, the dogs peeing on my new wood floors and my suv that wants to give me a hard time too. I need a girls night out I think.
After digging in the drawer hoping that God dropped a few xanax in there, yea right. I found a homeopath medicine, sat on the couch, talked to Robbie for a moment and took a breath. I will get through this aggravating day, breathing deeply and often.
Say a little prayer for me kids.

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