Friday, July 11, 2008

a new day

I am waking this morning with what I hope will be a better attitude, a faith that God will see me through this life and this motherhood with peace.
I pray to breath smoother and deeper, and more often.
I pray to remember to stop and watch my kids smile and listen to them laugh and give lots of hugs when they cry or dont get their way.
I pray to take time for me, not just to feel like I have to do something and then think its for me.
I pray to keep my lists short and resonable and know its okay not to get to it all
I pray for peace for all the mommies who think they are about to lose it
This is my sunrise to a day that I thought was going to start with such gloomy rainy weather.
I take it a sign of possiblities. Through the storm we can have some peace and beauty, just look for it, its there.

1 comment:

robbieniccum said...

I hear you girl LOUD AND CLEAR!
I love you and I do pray that you have the day God intended for you
This is the day the Lord has made..Let us rejoice and be glad in it : )...I hope this sore throat goes away from yelling at my kids yesterday! IT WAS UBER BAD!

Dont blame your momma for everything!

my Life

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