Thursday, July 10, 2008

its a pj kind of morning

well we got our oven fixed thank goodness and not a thing to cook in it, guess that means my trip to the store today just grew.
I have been following Devin around photographing him, determined to improve my skills on this camera, I know what I want, and I WILL figure these settings and math out. I am the one that has as they call it "hidden talent" well not soooo hidden just that I dont pay enough attentino to detail to properly expose it.
I ended up in the basement storage room, well one of two and found items to trash, love that, and found more accessories for playdough, maybe a missing part or two and some dried up stuck inside the gagets but we are working to that playdough free. Devin enjoyed playing and I got to photograph a little of it, though Devin has this habit of wanting you invovled in what he is doing, that means you are IN what he is doing, he sits on you and you will partake if you can get around him to do so.
he then got the Pops cereal I was preparing to trash, I want to trash so many items around here, this is my time of my energy cycle to rid my home of items, this can get me into trouble when not in the mood to trash, I go back looking for something and then wonder if it was tossed out the garage door for the trash pile. I hear that trash man coming and it fills me with joy to think what can I clear out today.
So Devin is still in his diaper and no clothes, Brenden is still in bed, I showered and dressed but did nothing to my hair and its 11:25, actually it is all good with me. Even though I have a ton of things I should be getting done due to the upcoming party, oh did I say while I was in the storage I found the puppy dog ears I knew I bought a few years ago, Devin was tickled by them, woofing and laughing. I wish I had bought more of them now, If only I had known right!
well Devin is playing piano and I guess I could prepare lunch and do my hair, I plan to run errands while he naps, leave Brenden in charge, obviously he is well rested and able to babysit.

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