Thursday, July 31, 2008

One thing leads to another

So I take my one dog to the vet yesterday for a teeth cleaning and to have a little cyst removed, no big deal right, they want to know if I want extra blood work done, no he is fine, just do the stuff, well sign here if you want us to call you for other things we find wrong, why, its a teeth cleaning.
So I go to visit dear Robbie, when I leave I find I have no electric to my truck, well I don't have windows, speedometers, gas gauge, radio, okay I can deal, I leave my husband a message (by the way he undid the cable to the battery and reconnect it, well now it is working again so we are okay for a bit)
So I go to get the dog, $487, what the hell. He had a loose tooth, so we pulled it, are you kidding me!!!!, let the tooth fall out for goodness sakes.(But i signed that they didnt have to call me) oh and that little cyst that they would just pop out, that wasnt cheap either, So the teeth, cyst, meds and go home meds tallied up fast. Okay, I will deal, breath. Oh How much is doggie insurance anyway.
so last night I hardly sleep since the dog is now coughing and gagging like crazy, probably from the tube down his throat. I too have had a horrible cough so that has me up as well. This morning I wake to the dog still coughing. I call the vet, they suggest Robitussin (not for me, for the dog) or come get some meds. I will try the cough syrup for now thanks. I go downstairs and find pee pee, great. I clean it up and then find more, all in all I think it was at least 3 different times (maybe more), not just from yesterday though, there were I think 3 fresh spots, and other older spots. With all the rain the dogs are just making their own outside downstairs. I go call the vet again, since one spot had blood in it , they may want a sample the receptionist says, I am not catching dog pee from my dog okay. Just note the next time he needs his teeth cleaning we are buying a doggie tooth brush. Why is it that I bring the damn dog in for one small thing, okay two and now I have all this other crap to deal with, well She thinks I'm great. Yea that's what my kids are saying right about now, Great Mom, shes ready to throw a BF again this morning.
I have kids not cleaning up after themselves, the dogs peeing on my new wood floors and my suv that wants to give me a hard time too. I need a girls night out I think.
After digging in the drawer hoping that God dropped a few xanax in there, yea right. I found a homeopath medicine, sat on the couch, talked to Robbie for a moment and took a breath. I will get through this aggravating day, breathing deeply and often.
Say a little prayer for me kids.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

little memories

I am missing my Grandma, maybe my youth, my young youth
I was pouring some applesauce and this memory ran through my head, eating dinner wtih my Grandma, either side, but more so my Grandma Dixie. She was perfect, or is that proper. Things were just right with her, my Grandma Andrews, she was down home, smoker, snuggles, love, a green thumb, fishing, camping.
Grandma Dixie was hotels, lake house, new cars, ironed clothes, yes mam.
Anyway back to my point, I was pouring the applesauce and was taken back to summers at the lake house, when applesauce came out of a pretty bowl and spoon with cinnamon sprikled on top.
When dinner was brought to the table and not a buffet by the stove. When I finished a hot meal when it was hot.
When I smell bacon it is the same feeling, youth and the lake house. Things are so different now, it is me cooking it and cleaning it and trying to keep up with the adult conversations when family is here, the kids running and playing and having the memories being built in their precious minds. I guess that is why I am such a fanatic for photographs, capturing those moments that we forget about later.
My grandma and pa Andrews would do fish fries, I remember that smell and thinking yuck. But loving the rest of the food and sitting on the blankets at Spanish Lake park. Or going to their house and eating cereal from those individual boxes, those were awesome.
Childhood, so precious and so far away. Great memories though.
Grandma Dixie in the middle, the beautifully dressed lady, I in the front with long dress

This was the dock of Grandma Dixie and Her Brother Richards Summer Lake Home where we grew up going to.

My siblings and I at Grandpa and Grandma Andrews house, Grandma in the tiny kitchen behind us, oh those red couches, HA

This was my Grandma Andrews, Grandpa I cut out, he has this look to him that is too funny, he didnt know he was in the photo, anyway they adored all their grandkids, no matter how we were.
Amazing both sides of my family are from two different worlds. The well off, educated side and the labor, not so well off side. Both loved us though and that is all that matters.

Todays inspiration Wed 7/30

Your BREATH is the BREATH OF GOD You Exist ON PURPOSE! You are NOT A MISTAKE, you are DIVINE.... MANIFESTED IN PHYSICAL FORM and when you put yourself down....You are Putting down GOD and those who love you .... Now really how dumb is that!

HONOR YOUR BODY as the VEHICLE of GOD in the world. YOU CANNOT ask Your Body to support You. If you put it down. BE at PEACE with your body and then watch it perform for you

YOU cannot ask anyone to love YOU unless you LOVE and APPROVE of yourself first

The Bathing Suit

When I was a child the bathing suit for the mature figure was boned,
trussed and reinforced, not so much sewn as engineered. They were built
to hold back and uplift and they did a good job. Today's stretch fabrics
are designed for the prepubescent girl with a figure carved from a potato
The mature woman has a choice -- she can either go up front to the
maternity department and try on a floral suit with a skirt, coming away
looking like a hippopotamus who escaped from Disney's Fantasia or she
can wander around every run of the mill department store trying to make a
sensible choice from what amounts to a designer range of florescent
rubber bands.
What choice did I have? I wandered around, made my sensible choice and
entered the chamber of horrors known as the fitting room. The first
thing I noticed was the extraordinary tensile strength of the stretch
The Lycra used in bathing cost umes was developed, I believe, by NASA to
launch small rockets from a slingshot, which give the added bonus that
if you manage to actually lever yourself into one, you are protected from
shark attacks as any shark taking a swipe at your passing midriff would
immediately suffer whip lash.
I fought my way into the bathing suit, but as I twanged the shoulder
strap in place, I gasped in horror -- my boobs had disappeared!
Eventually, I found one boob cowering under my left armpit. It took a
while to fin d the other. At last I located it flattened beside my
seventh rib.
The problem is that modern bathing suits have no bra cups. The mature
woman is meant to wear her boobs spread across her chest like a speed
bump. I realigned my speed bump and lurched toward the mirror to take a
full view assessment.
The bathing suit fit all right, but unfortunately it only fit those
bits of me willing to stay inside it. The rest of me oozed out rebelliously
from top, bottom, and sides. I looked like a lu mp of play dough wearing
undersized cling wrap.
As I tried to work out where all those extra bits had come from, the
prepubescent sales girl popped her head through the curtain, 'Oh, there
you are,' she said, admiring the bathing suit.
I replied that I wasn't so sure and asked what else she had to show me..
I tried on a cream crinkled one that made me look like a lump of
masking tape, and a floral two piece which gave the appearance of an oversized
napkin in a serving ring.
I struggled into a pair of leopard skin bathers with ragged frills and
came out looking like Tarzan's Jane, pregnant with triplets and having
a rough day.
I tried on a black number with a mesh midriff and looked like a
jellyfish in mourning.
I tried on a bright pink suit with such a high cut leg I thought I
would have to wax my eyebrows to wear it.
Finally, I found a suit that fit -- a two-piece affair with a shorts
style bo ttom and a loose blouse-type top. It was cheap, comfortable, and
bulge-friendly, so I bought it. My ridiculous search had a successful
outcome, I figured.
When I got home, I found a label which read 'Material might become
transparent in water.'
So, if you happen to be on the beach or near any other body of water
this year and I'm there too, I'll be the one in cut-off jeans and a

'Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the

This was not written by me, but worth sharing with all of you

Monday, July 28, 2008

Back in the day

These were the days
Brenden Alex and Sophia, back in the day
came across these while looking for a photo of Brenden and Brandon, Robbie
I thought you would love to see these, they were so freakin cute!!!!

Welcome to the hood Koester's

Well we are so excited our friends have moved into their new home, and its right up the road from us. Their subdivision connects to ours.
They have a son, Brandon, who is the same age as Brenden. The boys have been friends well since before they were born. If that's possible.Michelle's older brother and Brad have been friends and worked together for about 16 or so years. So we have been friends with the entire family for a LONG time.
Momma Michelle even helped to deliver Devin. So they have three kids, Brandon, Julie and Zach.
So Brenden and Brandon are so excited they have a way to cut through to walk back and forth between the houses. There is a small lake were they walk, they said the ducks even follow them.
Brandon will start at the middle school this year, though a year behind Brenden they will have so much to share and are excited to be able to expand on their long time friendship.

Brenden and Brandon age 1

stale Popcorn!!!!

We went out to Busch Wildlife area today, my sister told of us about how there is a spot to feed the fish and turtles. HOW COOL IT WAS!!!!
the kids loved it, we took some stale popcorn and started to drop pieces in to the cute little fish, then Brenden swore he saw a big shadow, then a turtle came swimming over, then another, then another. Soon that shadow Brenden saw came to the top and we had cat fish jumping for popcorn.
It was crazy fun!
We have to take big daddy back for this. We are excited we have a new spot to visit on our weekly romps of favorite places to go.

Todays Inspiration

I Can Make a Career of Living Happily Every After. . .

A very good career choice would be to gravitate toward those activities and to embrace those desires that harmonize with your core intentions, which are freedom and growth—and joy. Make a "career" of living a happy life rather than trying to find work that will produce enough income that you can do things with your money that will then make you happy. When feeling happy is of paramount importance to you—and what you do "for a living" makes you happy—you have found the best of all combinations.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

choosing your path

PRIORITIZE WHAT IS IMPORTANT. There is no one on their death bed, who worries about, what is in their checking or savings account or what bills they have to pay. They think about who they have loved, who loves them and the lessons they have learned. ASK if what you do will harm anyone. ASK if the decision you make will be something that you will have be proud of in a year

There is saying that 'DEATH IS LIKE TAKING OFF A TIGHT PAIR OF SHOES'.....We are more than a Physical body…….. First, WE are a SPIRITUAL BEING INHABITING OUR BODY


All problems are lessons. Change how you look at the problem. Then you find the lesson.

At what age do you decide to be old, or get sick?

This is not written by me, but a spiritual lady named suzanna

Love of my life!


Brenden and his friend Tyler skateboarding, not for long, TOOOOOO HOT outside
but we got some fun shots, enjoy!

Come on in Mr. Turtle

As I was walking past the atrium window I look down and see the gate to the play area open, then I see a turtle walking by the play set. Of course my first goofy thought is "That turtle just let himself in!" But since I am not on any drugs (at the moment) I do know there is no way, or is there.
The kids loved playing with him and soon let him go down by the creek near the trees.

I dont give a rat's ass

So my best friend Danielle came over last night for highlights along with her husband Kevin, the kids and Jen & Joe. We do hair and as we are all in the kitchen preparing for them to leave ,Kevin comes walking in & we realize, he AND Brad have on the same shirt, OH YEA!!! these two dont just remind us of one another in personality, they share the same feelings on their clothes!LOL!!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

a wednesday in summer

"Oh No, Shoe!"

So we wake this morning and head out to drop Brenden at golf, Devin already has one of his new bright red shoes off, go figure, but we got windows down its ready to rain and we are headed to the bank and Target, as we are driving down the road I hear from the back "Oh No, Shoe!" I Look to see him pointing out the open window
"DEVIN, did you throw your shoe outside?" turn around, its a NEW shoe no way am I letting that go.
"Devin you NO NO, if you threw that out you are in big trouble" back on K we go, and sure enough, on the side of the road, BRIGHT RED CROCK, just waiting for someone to rescue it.
At least he told me right!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Welcome Home Tracey!

A few days ago I found out that a friend of our family passed away from cancer, Tracey went to church with me, sang at our wedding, saw me through my first pregnancy with prayer (I have a heart disease which we found out in that first pregnancy, long story) and I even did her hair for some time. It has been years since I had seen her or spoken to her though.
Tracey married for the first time I think it was June of last year,
She was a nurse at St. Johns for about 11 years working on the burn unit then moved on to hospice care for about a year, she stopped that line of work after seeing her step father and father through their own battles with cancer. Tracey began teaching and soon met her husband in their church choir. January she began not feeling well.
Tracey was so close to her mom, many trips they took together and talked everyday on the phone, a relationship we wish we could all be blessed with when it comes to our moms, I always viewed Tracey as a warrior for God, she knew what she believed and she was strong in that faith. She was so talented in music, piano and singing and loved crafts. I attend her memorial service tonight, gathering information about her life since I had seen her last, she was still who I knew her to be so many moons ago.
She was step mom to two beautiful girls who cared about her and she them. Her family is so sad and in a bit of a haze about her passing, though their strong faith in God will see them all through this.Tracey was 42.

Please say a prayer for Tracey, her mom Sharon Brother Jason and all the family as they try to settle into this reality. God is welcoming her home, for that I am so grateful. She is at peace now. I found a photo of Tracey with Brenden when he was just 3 weeks old, hard to believe that was 12 years ago.
Rest in Peace Tracey and WELCOME HOME!

Getting the movies together

Well back in the day before kids and a husband I worked for Blockbuster, my sister and I both did and we were movie buffs to say the least, between the two of us and mom we had seen almost every movie out there at that time, Mom started buying up movies as well as my sister, I soon followed, though I didn't just buy to buy, I bought what I liked. okay sometimes I bought because it was cheap.
well some of those movies are long gone but I still have a good size collection.
Once kids and life took over I stopped buying, I don't even rent these days. I do try to go to my sisters one night a week for movie & popcorn night, and she does all the renting. She still finds time for movies, I don't know how, but she does.
So with this basement finishing job we took an empty corner and rather than make it just a wall we decided to use the tiny space as a movie closet. Trust me that is all the bigger it is, nothing else could enter this space. So I started yesterday and Brenden is adding to it today, moving in the movies that are scattered throughout the house. I even have a pile of movies that need to find a new home. As good as they are I will more than likely never watch again, either too sad, or too much like another, or I already know the end and that is what made it so good, and really I need to free up some space for newer flicks (already?). These are all VHS so they take up some space
Then while going through my DVD pile, I found that at one point I had thrown away a ton of cases (thinking how easy to put them all in one binder, or 10 since I don't have a closet for them to stay in, little did I know huh) well for now the
DVD binders will have to keep working, but maybe someday I will find a bag full of DVD cases that I didn't actually throw out.
That would be a miracle!

we are trying to catagorize them from bottom to top,( what you can not see is that this closet is extra wide, so the shelves go behind the walls atleast one stack of movies on the left and more than you could reach on the right which is holding some of those rarely watched movies.
we have Kids and Family bottom two shelves, 3rd shelf Action (Big Daddy Movies), 4th shelf Comedy we all love, 5th shelfDrama (Momma flicks) and top shelf contains self made stuff, animal documentaries, science fiction, health and fitness, and educational

Monday, July 21, 2008

thought for the day

My thoughts are the basis for the attraction of all things that I consider to be good, which includes enough money, and health, for my comfort and joy. Stay with positive thoughts, and positive will return, speak of enough and you will recieve enough. Talk of more and you will receive more.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

A new gig

The boys have a new gig, street performers, they even have a money pot!

BB on drums and guitar

Big Poppa on guitar

music agent "Double D"

Saturday afternoon

Devin was sure enjoying his push up, that child i think loves ice cream more than Brenden, didn't think that was possible. Crackin himself up the whole time, and making a huge mess, oh to be a kid with no cares.
Brenden was in his room drawing, so I messed with my camera a bit, I HATE the flash and have been playing around so much with the camera and all the natural light that enters our house, trying to figure out why I am not capturing good photos, well, go figure adjust the speed the IOS and ta dah!!!!!!!!!!!! I am getting the photos I wanted all along. DORK, me that is!

I need a hug

what makes this so funny to us is that Devin has always found a way to get his stinkin butt in Brad's face, and still going strong. Brad just kept on playing, and Devin did all that work for a hug

guitar lessons

So Brenden had his first guitar lesson on Saturday, his Uncle Tim, a musician at heart , has offered to be his teacher. Brenden said his fingers sure did hurt but he is so excited to be learning a new instrument.
I dont think that child stopped smiling from the time we got in the truck to go for the lesson till we got home. I hope this to continue to be a great thing, a direction for Brenden that he needs right now. He is like me, idleness makes us feel depressed, we have to be going, creative, intouch and full. A down day is nice but two down days can run us batty.
I am so excited for him, He tried today to show me some notes, well my nails are in the way so I will have to chop them down and try again.
We told Brad he may have to build a stage for all our musical instruments
piano, guitar, drums and flute, we just need two turn tables and a microphone, but dont think Brenden has not asked for that years ago, HA

Friday, July 18, 2008


we went to Auntie Laura's and did some swimming on Thursday, we try to do this once a week, me making my rounds to those I like to spend time with.
Devin is doing so well with the water, he will be on his own before you know it
here are some pics of our afternoon

Brenden and Devin having a lesson

Devin and Hailey sharing some snacks

Aunt Laura and Ryan

Thursday, July 17, 2008


1. What time did you get up this morning? 7:15 am
2. Diamonds or pearls? DIAMONDS
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Kung Fu Panda
4. What is your favorite TV show? Ghost Hunters, Paranormal State, Psychic Kids, and Most Haunted, I know I love it though. I watch other things when I come across them
5. What do you usually have for breakfast? hmmmmmmm that changes, so a variety, cereal, waffles, toast, donuts, fruit, slim fast bar
6. What is your middle name? Lynn
7. What food do you dislike? fish
8. What is your favorite CD at the moment? I like such a variety I hate just one cd, so my playlists are my favorites and I have like 4 of those going
9. What kind of car do you drive? Ford Explorer, I miss my cars, but LOVE my suv
10. Favorite sandwich? Deli club or a french dip
11. What characteristic do you despise? Fakeness, what else would anyone hate
12. Favorite item of clothing? cut off jean shorts and a tank right now
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? a beautiful resort over looking mountains and crystal clear lake, I love the beach, its just toooo humid, I dont mind being hot, just not humid
14. Are you an organized person? at certain time of the month, HA
15. Where would you retire to? Montana or New England area
16. What was your most recent memorable birthday? thats been a while, I had a party for my 30th, that was fun
17. What are you going to do when you finish this? watching cars with Brenden now, and will still be then, everyone else is in bed
18. Furthest place you are sending this? depends on whom comes across it
19. Person you expect to send it back first? Doesn't really apply!
20. When is your birthday? February 20
21. Morning person or a night person? night, that my private time
22. What is your shoe size? 9 1/2
23. Pets? two dogs, casey and Ernie, and one fish, Chili Pepper
24. Any new and exciting news You'd like to share with us? Nope
25. What did you want to be when you were little? beautician, nurse, singer or actress, oh and a dancer
26. How are you today? Im still breathin, HA, no its a good day
27. What is your favorite flower? wild flower in a meadow
28. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? one that starts with an S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
29. What are you listening to right now? air conditioning and movie
30. What was the last thing you ate? Cheddar popcorn and a root beer
31. Do you wish on stars? nah I just pray
32. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Yellow, it is bright and cheery
33. How is the weather right now? warm
34. Last person you spoke to on the phone? my sista
35. Favorite soft drink? rootbeer, though Robbie has me swigin on Jones Cream Soda, thanks girlfriend, I am in love
36. Favorite restaurant? That is hard so I will just pick one for each food we like, Stephaninas for pizza, steak in shake for burgers, Big A's for sandwiches, B Halls for wings, Chevys or Casa for Mexican, Pasta House for Italian
37. Hair color? seriously, dark brown real, but I color it reddish brown
38. What was your favorite toy as a child? match box cars, and dolls
39. Summer or Winter? Fall and Spring please
41. Chocolate or Vanilla? on what, Chocolate, no Vanilla, wait
42. Coffee or tea? hmmmmmmmmmmmm both and hot
43. Do you want your friends to email you back? nah, unless you dont like my answers why would you email me back
44. When was the last time you cried? I felt like it today
45. What is under your bed? a wall sticker that needs to go up, and usually the leaf to my kitchen table, but that is in the table from our party
46. What did you do last night? watched tv and snuggled Brad , that never happens
47. What are you afraid of? Something happening to my husband and kids
48. Salty or sweet? both
49. How many keys on your key ring? I have to count, but probably 6
50. How many years at your current job? 12 as a mom and 16 (WOW) as a hair stylist
51. Favorite day of the week? Friday and Saturday probably
52. Do you make friends easily? I have been told that once you get to talking to me I am easy, some find me intimidating at first, I dont get it but okay, I guess being told once is one thing but many times is another, I am okay with it
53. How many people will you send this too? I am blogging it
54. How many will respond? doesnt really apply to a blog
55. Do you like finding out all this stuff about your friends? yes

Morning guilt

Reaction to the DCP, that they put on Devin, they hope for an allergic reaction, this stuff then is applied to his warts to get the body to attack it, to kill from inside out and maybe areas where this can not be applied, we put the ointment on in case it started to Itch, this is the severe reaction to it

I feel so horrible, like I totally let them do this to my child.
I have to say he is not complaining at all, it just looks bad.
I called the Dr office to tell them, they said "oh good" see you in a few weeks
OK then......

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A few moments to type

I am waiting for time to tick, I have a client coming soon. Devin is napping Brendne is on the computer downstairs and I have balled up my burgers for dinner and ate lunch, paid bills, that was scary and deserves a therapy session for sure.
Now I am here typing away.
I had a wonderful morning with The Niccum family as always, I love being with them and feeling bonded. I am hoping to get Devin comfortable with zach, since close in age and they are both those kind of boys I think they will be able to hang tough for some time to come.
They were able to play in a great pool momma Robbie got and ate lots of snacks, what is not to love about those arrangements right!

So we came home, Devin went down I had a client for a haircut that turned into color, I was not in the mood I just wanted to veg, but who turns down money, I know I dont so I worked a bit longer than planned. I got to rest for oh 20 or so minutes.
tonight I will be picking up neices and nephew, my sister returns tonight from Vegas, a bit jealous she got out, it is well deserved though, we allllll need a break
so I figure bring her kids here for a bit, when Daddy gets here we can play and then I will take the kids back home and wait for their mommy and daddy to return, which is probably going to be about 11 tonight.
So that is our exciting day, oh laundry just shut off so I guess I get to do that now while I wait, tah tah for now.....

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

BB is out with JoeJoe

This is what Devin says, Brenden is staying over at our friends, Joe and Jen , well he decided this would be a good idea with Joe on Saturday, Jen and Joe came out for the Birthday parties, which turned out great by the way.
Anyway Joe(and Jen) are really nice people and they are friends with my best friend Danielle, so I know Joe, but I dont KNOW Joe, so this made me nervous, Brenden does not stay well places in the past and they dont live down the street. I also dont let others keep my kids, family rarely keeps them, I am just like that, Brad and I work it out that usually one of us is with them, if not us than their Mo (Grandma).
So Brenden has been there since Sunday, he is having a ball, going to swim pools, and playing Wii that he took to share with them. They dont have kids, though would love to, and they love keeping friends kids. So I am still nervous and ready for him to come home, though I would probably let him go back sometime. For right now though
BB is at Joe Joe's, and he will be back to me in a few hours, I look forward to that, though I know he is getting lots of attention, which he loves, who wouldn't.

Devin Tuesday

This morning we woke at 8am, we had to be in south county at 9am, that was a feat that should not be possible, but we made it, somehow by the grace of God, we made, it, breakfast and clothes went with us and drove 80mph. A bit dangerous, but we had to wait a few month to get with this dr and I was not about to miss it.
So Devin has the wart issue, fingers lips and nose, so we are trying to rid him of them, they keep coming back, they have a process we agreed to try, if it is something I have to do many times a day for many days, and it might work, well chances are it wont since I will not stick to a regiment like that, I am not good about that sort of thing, I will be totally honest, dont know why that is but I am bad about it, if I KNOW it will work then I will see to it that it gets done.
anyway, so we left the dr and we were driving back and I thought we are like 10 minutes from Grants Farm, (I LOVE grants farm) we are this far and we have the time, we HAVE to go,I would feel guilty if we didnt go, so off we went. Realizing I didnt have a stroller, it is easy enough to get around there so I was not too worried, of course once Brad found out, I made him nervous, the no stroller thing, but usually Devin would rather run, I did have to carry him a few times, but we got lucky there was no line really when we arrived, though it was swarming with lines when we left an hour and a half later.
no pictures since we did this on the fly, but he had so much fun
Devin rode the tram and saw deer and elk, ostrag and fish, he got to feed the goats, saw the turtles, parrots, elephants, he got to pet a baby hedge hog and run through the misting water. We got some kettle korn and looked at the swans, then we were out of there
He slept on the way home, and now is running around the house. So I feel like a good mom today, I did a good thing. I use to take Brenden all the time to Grants Farm and the zoo, of course I think we were closer, well to the zoo for sure when we lived at Mo's house, so it was easy to hop in the car and run there.
We have to get BB at 5 and work at 7, we are taking BB to get his first real guitar today, his uncle Tim is going to teach him to play, we will keep you posted

Friday, July 11, 2008

Laundry slot machine

Ever feel like you are playing slots when you do the laundry, I do most of the time, anyone with kids HAS to feel this
You empty the washer and find money in the bottom, I guess that is actually Laundering money, sometimes what doesn't fall to the bottom of the wash finds its way to the dryer, tap, tap, tap, tap
Open the door and money comes flying at ya, JACKPOT
no good when its pennies and nickles, the best is always when someone leaves the dollars, then its ATM time, unless its my own money.
In all actuality, you can beat getting paid for cleaning dirty clothes.

a new day

I am waking this morning with what I hope will be a better attitude, a faith that God will see me through this life and this motherhood with peace.
I pray to breath smoother and deeper, and more often.
I pray to remember to stop and watch my kids smile and listen to them laugh and give lots of hugs when they cry or dont get their way.
I pray to take time for me, not just to feel like I have to do something and then think its for me.
I pray to keep my lists short and resonable and know its okay not to get to it all
I pray for peace for all the mommies who think they are about to lose it
This is my sunrise to a day that I thought was going to start with such gloomy rainy weather.
I take it a sign of possiblities. Through the storm we can have some peace and beauty, just look for it, its there.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

I need to learn to breath

I lost my temper today and I feel like a piece of shit!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, what is my problem, why am I this mom. I dont want to be this way, I dont want my kids raised this way. I can make every excuse, but none of them matter to be honest. There is no excuse.
Situation, Devin woke from his afternoon nap, he had a snack, then he wanted outside since Brenden was headed out, we had one hour before I had to get ready to work. OK we can go get in the sprinkler,( So Brenden is having issues with his new scooter, that has me a bit , well pissed, it wont hold a charge and customer service sends you to their home page to file a ticket, that is that you leave a posting of what is wrong and they get back to you wtihin 24 hours, fingers crossed here.
so Brenden was going out to try and ride after it was on the charger all night and day, it wont run, GREAT!!!! so we head out with him to see if I can figure out what the deal is, while out there they get ice cream from the freezer, Brenden turns on the sprinkler since its so dang hot out, we get Devin in a swim diaper he is dripping sticky popsicle in the garage, that will be bug heaven later so we try to keep rinsing it out, the ground is hot on his feet so he is running around but not interested in the water,soon he is at the front door worried about letting dogs out, then dogs in,(this is his thing to do) while I am in a chair starting to sweat, well screw this,He doesnt want to do the sprinkler, why am I sitting here, lets go in I have to work soon anyway and we need to eat, he follows me in the garage and wants more ice cream I say no and start to shut garage, WELL< he starts wailing and screaming and running after me, well I was like thats enough, I ripped him into the house, pushed him out of the laundry room and he kept screaming at me and my temper was getting hotter, I spanked him and carried him one arm one leg to his bed and left just talking outloud abotu how I am tired and I am done and IIIIIIIIIIII,
I HAVE A HORRIBLE TEMPER, NO PATIENCE, I SHOULD NOT HIT, I SHOULD LEARN TO BREATH, I KNOW IT, as it is happening I am trying to say to myself "calm down, stop being such a child yourself he is 2", I use to do this wtih Brenden, why am I this person,I am so embarrased to even write it, but this is something so big for me that I have to figure out, its like I am some freakin bully. I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just want to hug, love, support, take time, be patient, share all that I feel I missed with my kids,and this is what I am sharing with them
My sister says our mom slapped us, I dont remember this, she wasnt the nicest person. But this is about my kids, are they going to act as I do when they have kids, I sure hope not, I tell Brenden, please be more patient than I, please be calmer than me, I have no excuse for the way I am acting, it is not acceptable and I am sorry, Devin doesnt get it, he just wants me again, that makes me feel even worse, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
I am goign to ponder some thoughts, go to bed, pray to God to walk me through this mom thing. He gave me two kids for a reason, I better make the best of it and figure this out........

its a pj kind of morning

well we got our oven fixed thank goodness and not a thing to cook in it, guess that means my trip to the store today just grew.
I have been following Devin around photographing him, determined to improve my skills on this camera, I know what I want, and I WILL figure these settings and math out. I am the one that has as they call it "hidden talent" well not soooo hidden just that I dont pay enough attentino to detail to properly expose it.
I ended up in the basement storage room, well one of two and found items to trash, love that, and found more accessories for playdough, maybe a missing part or two and some dried up stuck inside the gagets but we are working to that playdough free. Devin enjoyed playing and I got to photograph a little of it, though Devin has this habit of wanting you invovled in what he is doing, that means you are IN what he is doing, he sits on you and you will partake if you can get around him to do so.
he then got the Pops cereal I was preparing to trash, I want to trash so many items around here, this is my time of my energy cycle to rid my home of items, this can get me into trouble when not in the mood to trash, I go back looking for something and then wonder if it was tossed out the garage door for the trash pile. I hear that trash man coming and it fills me with joy to think what can I clear out today.
So Devin is still in his diaper and no clothes, Brenden is still in bed, I showered and dressed but did nothing to my hair and its 11:25, actually it is all good with me. Even though I have a ton of things I should be getting done due to the upcoming party, oh did I say while I was in the storage I found the puppy dog ears I knew I bought a few years ago, Devin was tickled by them, woofing and laughing. I wish I had bought more of them now, If only I had known right!
well Devin is playing piano and I guess I could prepare lunch and do my hair, I plan to run errands while he naps, leave Brenden in charge, obviously he is well rested and able to babysit.

Dont blame your momma for everything!

my Life

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