Monday, August 11, 2008

How fun is this going to be

So I was just downloading some photos on to my lap top and I plug in the camera and hit the button, oh no, wrong button, but this little box pops up and I was messing with it , it looks like my lcd display, so I am clicking on stuff and click the camera button, and snap
it takes a picture
HA, how fun is this going to be. I probably would have known more if I would read manuals huh!
Devin is in bed not feeling so well, teeth maybe, feverish, most definitly. So I am playing on the computer each time he passes out. Poor kid!

1 comment:

Moms Gone Godly said...

I wish I looked that great in the computer! I hope your son is feeling better soon:)

Thanks for the encouraging words today!

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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