Sunday, August 03, 2008

See how well I do!

So we tried to go feed the fish and turtles, it was take your kids fishing day, so they would not let us down to feed anything, DAMN! So we left and thought we would go back later, well later I sent Brad off to the Ozarks with our neighbor and Brenden to take down their new patio furniture. We will have to feed them another time. We did take Daddy to the pool. He had fun. Brad doesn't take any time for him self and the family anymore. Its all work, and if we do play it involves others so we really do nothing that is just us and fun anymore.
So the swimming for the hour or so we were there was so wonderful.
Our family was blessed


Moms Gone Godly said...

I am glad to hear that you and your 2 sons got to spend time with "Daddy". I bet it was nice even if it did not last as long as you would like. I pray that your husbands work does not take him too far away from the things in life that really matters. I see that a lot in families. Not that the man is running towards work, but work just seems to steal him away. May God provide your husband time with you and your children without the interruptions of his work:)

Lisa said...

thank you so much, I posted to your blog to be sure you got my response. We needed Daddy time, we seem to all be a bit lost, AGAIN, always something going on.

robbieniccum said...

That is an awesome picture of Brad and Devin! I am glad you got that time also!!!!

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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