Wednesday, August 06, 2008

They call me Stretch T Risenhoover

The T is for Trouble,
Ever wonder if you child is the off spring of Stretch Armstrong or Elasta girl for those that don't remember Mr Armstrong. While I am typing you he just handed me his brother new calculator that was at the back of the counter, so it was on a planning desk, but come
I NEED A VACATION, no I need a shelf, 6 ft high around my entire house. I made this request last night to Brad, he thought I was nuts, well I need him to have 1 week alone with this little booger and he would be cutting a tree down to start those damn shelves.
Earlier I was searching online, trying to find Devin his own table and chairs to eat at. He comes in with this big cup and I hear ice and water in it, thinking he got it himself, and HOW did he do that without my hearing it, I grab it and look up to see the fish water clarifier on the table, lid off!!!!!!!!!!!
I yell to Brenden who said it was his water and he had left it on the back of the counter, which should have been out of reach, yea right!
Well Devin had pulled a wood tray to the edge of the counter got the fish water stuff and the cup and who knows from there, I figure his water was clean and clear of chlorine.
We moved all those items a few moments ago.
This week he has taken to ripping all his shirts off their hangers in the closet,this along with previously dumping out all his match box cars, playdough, rice/sand bin (no sand), getting food out of trash that he doesnt think I should have thrown away, getting his own fruit out of frig and running through house eating it, getting ice cream out of freezer, scoop and bowl to help himself. I lock my frig/freezer by the way with a belt clasp from his high chair, entrance is made if you forget to put it on or you are trying to cook and get in and out of the frig. He will get in there and you dont see him, you just see frig open and hear, "No, No, No" as he is trying to figure out what he will eat.
As funny as this child is, HE IS MAKING ME SOOOOOO TIRED. He is non stop some days, and today is one of those days. He makes a mess, then he wants to clean it, that is another mess of vaccum pieces, and whatever else he thinks he needs to get it all picked up. He is in his room now, playing a game last I saw of him, I better go look huh!


3 wonderful gifts said...

I so know how you feel mt 2 yr old does the sames things and yes it does make you wonder if they are related to Stretch Armstrong LOL My son has now figured out how to climb out of the shopping cart hile I'm pushing it and he does it so fast that their isn't anythinme to get him before he gets to the floor. Hang in there it will get better so I'm told lol

Lisa said...

Devin tries to get out of the cart, he grabs on to me to pull himself out, but we take food and get the free cookie, that keeps him put, or we go straight to the fruit, buy a banana and grapes, he will stay put, cheese from the deli department too. HA
I seem to always say, My 12 year old never did this, well he did his own set of things, most I forget about I know...

Randi said...

Oh ladies! I am so laughing with you right now (although don't you feel like crying a lot of the time?) I wish I would have known just how good my oldest was when he was little. I didn't realize it until I had #2, Wild Man Bryce. I swear he came out running! So I'm really trying to enjoy those peaceful moments with #3!

robbieniccum said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! God knew what He was doing saving my two boys for the last! and actually he snuck Siler in there quite sneaky : )
The parents as teachers lady came by today to meet with Siler and was like OH MY! you are going to have your hands full (as Zach is ramsacking her totebag like what? I don't already??? hahahaha) she brought stuff to help encourage him to crawl, um , that is so three weeks ago..and she got to witness him trying to stand.... let's just say that I just got back from having a margarita with my neighbor and I am sooo soooo soooo in tune with ya'll girlfriends!!!!

Lisa said...

LOL, I just got back from working all night and went to my sister for a long island ice tea, its been a loooooooooong but good week.
We hang in there together with these kids girls and we will be juuuuuust fine, AMEN. Thank you God for the blessings and work, we owe you one.
Love ya girlfriend, cant wait to hang again, let me know when kids are good to go. Night Night

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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