Tuesday, August 05, 2008

what a busy day

our day started at the orthopedic with the kids, Brenden and Devin both have issues with running, Brenden being checked on before and nothing coming of it except he needs to stretch everyday, does he you ask, NO!.
Devin now running trips and down he goes, so I thought well lets get them both checked out again. Brenden needs physical therapy, ongoing, to keep his legs loose as he grows, by the way we found out with xrays that he has the room of a 10 year old in his growth plates, meaning his has LOTS to grow. We knew he would be tall like Brad. Devin's hips are rotated.
He does not sit cross legged, he sits like a W, we had always noticed it but thought nothing much about it, I would turn his legs to sit him like a butterfly, but one leg would usually make its way back out, then he has one leg that turns in a bit. One of his legs turns in a bit too, he said it was twisted, but this too will straighten out in time. When all is said and done he will be fine.
Both kids have planovalgus, meaning flat feet or fallen arches, the inserts will help that out.
Then we made our way to school registration, we got things squared away and began educating some of the staff about Brenden and I and the heart condition we bear. We will set up to meet with his team of teachers so they are well informed during the first week of school.
I came home and also contacted the president of the HCM association. She gave me some great tips and information regarding Brenden,his activities,and Physical Education classes in the future.
I am also working on trying to get a defibrillator into the school.
We then had to return phone calls, we found out yesterday that Brad's dad, Bob, who lives in Indiana, was having Chest pains on Monday and finally was convinced to go in to get checked out in the afternoon, after tests and an over night stay with a stress test this morning, they found blockage all over his heart. He had 2 stints put in today and will have 3 areas checked in 6 months for more stints. He is feeling fine, but tired, this was a big scare obviously and we hate to live so far from him, once he is well rested a visit will be in order I am sure.
Keep him in your prayers Please.


robbieniccum said...

my goodness girlfriend!!! That was a crazy day! Prayers for all the men in your life Lisa...God's blessings and health and healing ; )

Love you!

Lisa said...

your the best, I love you girlfriend. I miss you this week, just busy busy, but sounds like you have enough on your plate, we will meet up soon.......

3 wonderful gifts said...

I understand about Devin I was that was when I was little. The Dr. wanted to do surgery on my legs because the Dr said my bones were twisted. My uncle came over and prayed for me and after that I had no problem but before I had a huge problem with tripping over my own feet. I'm still piegon toed but I can handle that better than the big scars they wanted me to have. I'll be praying for that whole clan. Nothings to big or Hard for God to handle. When two or more come together and agree it shall be taken care of.

Lisa said...

Thank you for your prayers, I agree no one needs surgery, he said that is something people to ask for, but he sees no need, most cases are fine in time, I didnt have any bad feelings about what he said, so I took it as God's got it. Your prayers are important, especially since it is something you experienced yourself.

Randi said...

I will pray for your boys as well! And thank you for your info on the thrush stuff!

Lisa said...

Randi you are so welcome, I hope you are able to get it and it works for you as it did for us.
Homeopathy is a wonderful thing.

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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