Thursday, August 07, 2008

Zoo trip with Big Daddy

Are we lucky ducks or what. We planned a zoo trip last week and postponed it so Brad could take a morning off and venture out with us. Well today was the planned day. God blessed us with BEAUTIFUL weather. I had no symptoms while we were out so we were able to see what we wanted to till the kids were pooped.
We did the children's zoo, River's Edge, Bears, and Penguins.
The kids fell asleep on the way home and Brad and I got to spend a little time together, I convinced him stay home the rest of the day, He needs a break from work.
I left him sitting on the couch finishing his soup watching some tv.
It was a great day
Here are a couple shots
the rest can be seen by copy and paste link below in your web browswer


robbieniccum said...

yay!!! I am so glad for all 4 of you!!!

Lisa said...

We had such a good day, what a blessing, thanks sista

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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