Tuesday, July 15, 2008

BB is out with JoeJoe

This is what Devin says, Brenden is staying over at our friends, Joe and Jen , well he decided this would be a good idea with Joe on Saturday, Jen and Joe came out for the Birthday parties, which turned out great by the way.
Anyway Joe(and Jen) are really nice people and they are friends with my best friend Danielle, so I know Joe, but I dont KNOW Joe, so this made me nervous, Brenden does not stay well places in the past and they dont live down the street. I also dont let others keep my kids, family rarely keeps them, I am just like that, Brad and I work it out that usually one of us is with them, if not us than their Mo (Grandma).
So Brenden has been there since Sunday, he is having a ball, going to swim pools, and playing Wii that he took to share with them. They dont have kids, though would love to, and they love keeping friends kids. So I am still nervous and ready for him to come home, though I would probably let him go back sometime. For right now though
BB is at Joe Joe's, and he will be back to me in a few hours, I look forward to that, though I know he is getting lots of attention, which he loves, who wouldn't.


robbieniccum said...

I have 5 they can borrow : )

and don't forget Al would love to play Wii with BB

robbieniccum said...

I know it looks like I forgot one but Sophia is out of town

Lisa said...

you are so dang funny, ha, they would take them sister, for real

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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