Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Devin Tuesday

This morning we woke at 8am, we had to be in south county at 9am, that was a feat that should not be possible, but we made it, somehow by the grace of God, we made, it, breakfast and clothes went with us and drove 80mph. A bit dangerous, but we had to wait a few month to get with this dr and I was not about to miss it.
So Devin has the wart issue, fingers lips and nose, so we are trying to rid him of them, they keep coming back, they have a process we agreed to try, if it is something I have to do many times a day for many days, and it might work, well chances are it wont since I will not stick to a regiment like that, I am not good about that sort of thing, I will be totally honest, dont know why that is but I am bad about it, if I KNOW it will work then I will see to it that it gets done.
anyway, so we left the dr and we were driving back and I thought we are like 10 minutes from Grants Farm, (I LOVE grants farm) we are this far and we have the time, we HAVE to go,I would feel guilty if we didnt go, so off we went. Realizing I didnt have a stroller, it is easy enough to get around there so I was not too worried, of course once Brad found out, I made him nervous, the no stroller thing, but usually Devin would rather run, I did have to carry him a few times, but we got lucky there was no line really when we arrived, though it was swarming with lines when we left an hour and a half later.
no pictures since we did this on the fly, but he had so much fun
Devin rode the tram and saw deer and elk, ostrag and fish, he got to feed the goats, saw the turtles, parrots, elephants, he got to pet a baby hedge hog and run through the misting water. We got some kettle korn and looked at the swans, then we were out of there
He slept on the way home, and now is running around the house. So I feel like a good mom today, I did a good thing. I use to take Brenden all the time to Grants Farm and the zoo, of course I think we were closer, well to the zoo for sure when we lived at Mo's house, so it was easy to hop in the car and run there.
We have to get BB at 5 and work at 7, we are taking BB to get his first real guitar today, his uncle Tim is going to teach him to play, we will keep you posted


robbieniccum said...

Last time I went to Grant's Farm I was prego with Siler so I didn't get to take advantage of the two free "beverages" : )

dude, with 40 closed, it's a hike to the zoo! We just went Friday

Lisa said...

you so need my short cut sister, its easy, 94 to page, stay on page to Midland to Delmar, to Big Bend to Forest park to Skinker, you are right there sister, we will go again, we love the children's zoo, we can go with the easy crowd

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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