Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A few moments to type

I am waiting for time to tick, I have a client coming soon. Devin is napping Brendne is on the computer downstairs and I have balled up my burgers for dinner and ate lunch, paid bills, that was scary and deserves a therapy session for sure.
Now I am here typing away.
I had a wonderful morning with The Niccum family as always, I love being with them and feeling bonded. I am hoping to get Devin comfortable with zach, since close in age and they are both those kind of boys I think they will be able to hang tough for some time to come.
They were able to play in a great pool momma Robbie got and ate lots of snacks, what is not to love about those arrangements right!

So we came home, Devin went down I had a client for a haircut that turned into color, I was not in the mood I just wanted to veg, but who turns down money, I know I dont so I worked a bit longer than planned. I got to rest for oh 20 or so minutes.
tonight I will be picking up neices and nephew, my sister returns tonight from Vegas, a bit jealous she got out, it is well deserved though, we allllll need a break
so I figure bring her kids here for a bit, when Daddy gets here we can play and then I will take the kids back home and wait for their mommy and daddy to return, which is probably going to be about 11 tonight.
So that is our exciting day, oh laundry just shut off so I guess I get to do that now while I wait, tah tah for now.....

1 comment:

robbieniccum said...

how funny, I blogged you too!

I am glad you came over!

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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