Thursday, July 10, 2008

I need to learn to breath

I lost my temper today and I feel like a piece of shit!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, what is my problem, why am I this mom. I dont want to be this way, I dont want my kids raised this way. I can make every excuse, but none of them matter to be honest. There is no excuse.
Situation, Devin woke from his afternoon nap, he had a snack, then he wanted outside since Brenden was headed out, we had one hour before I had to get ready to work. OK we can go get in the sprinkler,( So Brenden is having issues with his new scooter, that has me a bit , well pissed, it wont hold a charge and customer service sends you to their home page to file a ticket, that is that you leave a posting of what is wrong and they get back to you wtihin 24 hours, fingers crossed here.
so Brenden was going out to try and ride after it was on the charger all night and day, it wont run, GREAT!!!! so we head out with him to see if I can figure out what the deal is, while out there they get ice cream from the freezer, Brenden turns on the sprinkler since its so dang hot out, we get Devin in a swim diaper he is dripping sticky popsicle in the garage, that will be bug heaven later so we try to keep rinsing it out, the ground is hot on his feet so he is running around but not interested in the water,soon he is at the front door worried about letting dogs out, then dogs in,(this is his thing to do) while I am in a chair starting to sweat, well screw this,He doesnt want to do the sprinkler, why am I sitting here, lets go in I have to work soon anyway and we need to eat, he follows me in the garage and wants more ice cream I say no and start to shut garage, WELL< he starts wailing and screaming and running after me, well I was like thats enough, I ripped him into the house, pushed him out of the laundry room and he kept screaming at me and my temper was getting hotter, I spanked him and carried him one arm one leg to his bed and left just talking outloud abotu how I am tired and I am done and IIIIIIIIIIII,
I HAVE A HORRIBLE TEMPER, NO PATIENCE, I SHOULD NOT HIT, I SHOULD LEARN TO BREATH, I KNOW IT, as it is happening I am trying to say to myself "calm down, stop being such a child yourself he is 2", I use to do this wtih Brenden, why am I this person,I am so embarrased to even write it, but this is something so big for me that I have to figure out, its like I am some freakin bully. I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just want to hug, love, support, take time, be patient, share all that I feel I missed with my kids,and this is what I am sharing with them
My sister says our mom slapped us, I dont remember this, she wasnt the nicest person. But this is about my kids, are they going to act as I do when they have kids, I sure hope not, I tell Brenden, please be more patient than I, please be calmer than me, I have no excuse for the way I am acting, it is not acceptable and I am sorry, Devin doesnt get it, he just wants me again, that makes me feel even worse, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
I am goign to ponder some thoughts, go to bed, pray to God to walk me through this mom thing. He gave me two kids for a reason, I better make the best of it and figure this out........


Randi said...

Hi! You don't know me--I'm a friend of Robbie's from Arkansas. Just want to encourage you and tell you that you are NOT alone! I had a day very similar to yours and as I'm yelling at my 5 year old, I'm thinking STOP! But I don't...So I guess I'll just keep praying and hope tomorrow is a better day. And when I pray for me, I'll say one for you too! :)

robbieniccum said...

Hey Lisa, Alex now has a now I get to worry about what the two of them have to say about my devil inside ; (
All I know is we ,mommies that I personally know, never just start out didn't immediately carry him yelling to his first, knowing you had things to do, unselfishly let ho go outside to play and on top of that gave him a popsicle, knowing it was goingtobe a sticky mess, but you didn't let that stop you from letting him enjoy it: )
It is only after we give give give and they as children and llittle humans do not know how to let it be enough that we LOSE IT!
I know the other night I was trying to get dinner ready and Sam, Mia, Zach.."can I have a drink? can I play outside? Are you making dinner? can I have a drink? Zach puched me, Mia bit me, SAm is being mean to me...[phone ring} MOOOMMMMM it's freaking hot out here and we are done with softball practice early can you bring us some water???? (Sure! because I know in your facebook schedule you didn't know ALL day that you had softball practice like you do every week and had no time to grab it yourself, let me do it while I get 4 other kids ready to take you and pick up your sister from her babysitting job and drop ya;ll off! so by the time Mike got home and Zach is still screaming for his drink ( and mind you, because I felt myself starting to lose it, I had already given the 3 younger ones a teeny bit of chocolate milk to hold them over for a little bit)...I poured his drink, put the lid on and shoved it his mouth yelling HERE! DRINK IT!!!!! and of course Mike is sitting there looking at me like , well, I'm the devil....Do I wish I didn't have that spark in me that gets aggrivated YES! but are we aggrivated becuase we are wanting to selfishly do our own thing? NO! we are just trying to do what we have to do ( dinner, go to work..etc) WHATEVER! I'm sorry you felt like shit, and to be honest I usually do too but DAWG! IT'S HARD!

robbieniccum said...

sorry for all those mis spells, and I guess I need to learn to breathe too...I just got up and have not spent time with God yet so there is my real rotten Robbie attitude for you : ) ok, let me go start my day, hopefully not so negative ; )
HEY! give us a buzz if you want some company to come hang in your culdesac....we have NO PLANS this weekend! WHOO HOO!!!!!

3 wonderful gifts said...

Ok so you don't know me I'm a friend of Robbie's friend christina. I just want to let you know your not alone I have these days also and I know how it makes you feel. It is such an aweful feeling but with God we can over come these moments. But without God these moments will keep on coming so I just want to let you know your doing all you can do by seeking God in everything you do. I'll keep you in my prayers

God Bless
Amber Oden

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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