Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Welcome Home Tracey!

A few days ago I found out that a friend of our family passed away from cancer, Tracey went to church with me, sang at our wedding, saw me through my first pregnancy with prayer (I have a heart disease which we found out in that first pregnancy, long story) and I even did her hair for some time. It has been years since I had seen her or spoken to her though.
Tracey married for the first time I think it was June of last year,
She was a nurse at St. Johns for about 11 years working on the burn unit then moved on to hospice care for about a year, she stopped that line of work after seeing her step father and father through their own battles with cancer. Tracey began teaching and soon met her husband in their church choir. January she began not feeling well.
Tracey was so close to her mom, many trips they took together and talked everyday on the phone, a relationship we wish we could all be blessed with when it comes to our moms, I always viewed Tracey as a warrior for God, she knew what she believed and she was strong in that faith. She was so talented in music, piano and singing and loved crafts. I attend her memorial service tonight, gathering information about her life since I had seen her last, she was still who I knew her to be so many moons ago.
She was step mom to two beautiful girls who cared about her and she them. Her family is so sad and in a bit of a haze about her passing, though their strong faith in God will see them all through this.Tracey was 42.

Please say a prayer for Tracey, her mom Sharon Brother Jason and all the family as they try to settle into this reality. God is welcoming her home, for that I am so grateful. She is at peace now. I found a photo of Tracey with Brenden when he was just 3 weeks old, hard to believe that was 12 years ago.
Rest in Peace Tracey and WELCOME HOME!

1 comment:

robbieniccum said...

That is just crazy! What a beautiful picture you have to rememeber her : )

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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