Tuesday, October 07, 2008

everyone around my house is soooooooo funny

so Monday night I guess it was, I had a client coming early, she was due at 7:30 but they were ready early so I said yea come on over, well I got caught up with Brenden and the extra math I am giving him, new mission to reteach some math to him that he didn't learn over the last 3 years, THAT'S not cool
and that is another story, anywho
I have clients here waiting for me to finish with him, then we head down to the salon, I round the corner and feel something wet at my nose so I wipe, and guess what, My hands were smeared with blood! what is up with that?
I do NOT get nose bleeds, so of course they are just talking away to me and I am like "HELLoooooooooooo, I have a nose bleed, I will be back" well the bathroom proved it was sure enough bleeding and not going to stop, it was not a gusher but for someone who doesnt get them I felt like I was bleeding out.
Well I decide to go lay on the steps and wait it out for a few moments, I hear Brenden talking in the kitchen I call to him for me to explain what I expect from the math, dad doesn't know what we are doing. After we talked he heads up and Devin is now yelling down the steps at me and I am talking back to him, finally Brad yells down asking "what are you doing, I thought you were working"
I say "I have a nose bleed"
"oh why didn't you say something",
"what are you going to do"
while this conversation is taking place Brad is walking out of kitchen towards the steps and Devin is coming down the steps stopping two steps above me and lays on the steps with head back like me
now Brad is at the top of the steps with Brenden looking down at me, Brad throws his hands up and comes down the steps and lays like Devin and I, Brenden sure enough follows suit, okay, I have clients in the shop and we are all laying on the steps looking up at the ceiling?!!!!!!!!!!!
Just one more situation that Brad's mom says "someone should be video taping this family in action", its non stop around here some days. I am surrounded by smart ass men or supportive men! take your pick! I love them all though.

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