Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Potty in the toilet

Devin has been going potty before his showers in the toilet, What a good boy. He climbs his step stool holds my fingers and starts, then when done I say, "GOOD BOY" and he jumps out of his skin, sorry Devin.
So I don't break his concentration anymore. This morning I thought why not try for the morning pee again, I did once and he was not interested, Devin has been saying for a few months that he "POO", while grabbing his diaper. That is poop or potty , he calls them both by the same name. Dry morning diapers and fewer diapers throughout the day brought me to the realization that there is a chance he will train early. Brenden took a while to deal with, he had poo poo issues so it held him back, besides you couldn't, still cant bribe Brenden. well certain things you can if you give it to him right now, like me he likes the faster pay off.
Devin I think he is a bribable kid, we will see. We are going to go and get M&M's today and he can have one each time he potties on I mean IN the toilet.
we also started him on washing his hands before he eats and after playing outside, thank goodness since we will be using the potty too. I think I will need a shorter step stool, this one might be a bit too tall, his feet are almost at the lip of the toilet, falling in would not help the lessons.

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