Monday, October 13, 2008

A site in the works

(link to the left, well one is a blog, the other a place to view photographs)
I am working on putting together a site to display my work
and what a job it is, trying to gather photos of things I have snapped here and there that are on disk so I dont have to scan old photos, which I dont want to do anyway since they are from the old photographer in me, not that they are bad, but I have changed and see things differently now.
I am still a work in progress but I think my work is worth doing something with.
I may have a photo of you on there, please dont mind.
I need your help in my future endevores, so I thank you for your support!
I will admit finding the time to do this is sooooooooooo HARD!!!!!!!!!!!
But I know it is what God intends for me so I am not going to fight it anymore and just let his will be done and move forward with it.

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