Monday, October 27, 2008

Its a Potty, join in!!!

Well I decided to buy Devin his own potty chair, this was not something that worked for Brenden, but once again they are totally different kids in so many areas that why not give it a try, Devin HAS been going potty at the big potty for some time now, we wont tell you he has to use it, if you ask he will go pee there, and it can be a mess.....
the start and stop while standing up is not so pretty with a boy.
If he pees in his diaper or poops for that matter he tells you, I go POOOOOOOOOO!
It will all be a matter of teaching to try from time to time.
Well in the mean time I thought why not save some clean up and get his own size, well you still have to show him how to tuck his pee pee behind the pee shield.
We opened it last night, my 3 year old niece Hailey was here too.
and I told Devin (as he is starting to straddle it) take your diaper off and sit, here like this, well he sits, grunts, stands and sure enough he peed!
well then Hailey says "i go too", sure thing sister. We cleaned up Devin's pee and set it down and she sure enough Miss Hailey peed. We washed hands and kept playing, well turns out Hailey has not peed on a potty I guess since my brother and sister in law were surprised at this news.
Devin has used his potty at least 3 more times I guess since that introduction, this morning he did his BIG morning pee in it, he got up and said more, I thought, if you pee anymore than you have a big daddy of a bladder brother.
So now if I can get him to poop on it.................. okay we are in edit mode, I missed the poop, he already did it. So we went to change it an he said I poooooo
so I put him back on the potty and well he peed again so we got some pics. I know in a few months the clapping and photos will stop and it will be one more thing I have to clean, for now we are celebrating though, its like a party around here...

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