Sunday, October 19, 2008

full contact sorry

have you ever played full contact sorry?, you know the board game sorry!

Well this is how it goes around my house. Two big boys get out a board game of sorry, and set up shop. Once game is under way, enter boy #3. This one should be of much smaller size and even less ability to make good decisions.

Now this boy #3 will want to join in the game and count his own men or the other players men around the board.

He will want to have a turn out of order or at a game he is not even a part of.

He will steal cards, steal players game pieces, even sit on the game board and more.

Before too long all the rucus will turn in to full contact sorry board game.

If you still don't understand maybe the photos will help paint a clearer picture for you how this is played.

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