Friday, October 10, 2008

have you ever done a work intervention on your hubby

I just did, I did it by letter, lame you say, nah,
This way he reads it and thinks on it and well it maybe does something today, I have said it before and it did nothing. Maybe this will do the trick.
He works soooooooooooo freakin hard, and we so appreciate what he is doing for his family. But what good is it if it takes him to his grave, right?
He is also not eating while at work, oh no time he says, BS, that pisses me off
You can walk away from the phone, the people, everything will keep functioning for the whole 30 minutes or more you are gone, you have to be kidding me.
Then he will work seriously from like 5 or 6 in the morning to 6,7,8 at night and no food.
Well yesterday he was at work all day, then had a function to go to after work, I didn't go because of the kids, so our friend went with him. I was all for it, he needs to get out and do something fun. This was a drink and appetizer function from one of the business reps, so others from work went too.
11:45 he is not home and no call, so I call our friend, he is home and sleeping his wife says, so I am worried and mad since Brad is not answering his phone.
Well he answers next call I put in.
He is on his way home "don't be mad Lisa,I had fun" Okay I am so not mad he is out,( I get to go from time to time with my friends and he is no big deal daddy about it) but he probably has not eaten. He has been drinking it is a longgggg as day now and he will get up at the crack of dawn.
So he has to stop to get food on his way home since he had not eaten all day and only had a couple of things to snack on there. He gets in eats and then he said it was immediate, he throws it all up. hmmmmmmm wonder why, so I stayed in bed thinking mean things, that was not cool but he did it to himself and he was ok so I did nothing about it. I did call him this morning guess what he is only worried about being later than some of the employees to work......
I AM GOING TO KICK HIS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so I sent a letter of love respect and honesty stating get your )$(*& in order and on track.
I am not perfect, can I say that anymore than I do. I have enough to change about me and to improve my health, some of which I can NOT change, and I am sooo working on being a more patient mommy iwth my kids.
I need him to take care of him so he can be here with us, put effort in to his life and family as he is putting in to that job, I understand the payoff if this place takes off and it will because of what he is doign to it, but OMG, if he goes down doing it! I dont know, he will just have to change there are no other options here, PERIOD, he will have to change, get on track, eat and take care of himself, its a fact, no questions, no giving in to excuses. I dont want to hear it, what will happen if these boys loose their dad!
so I sent his note, lets see if he hears me or gets upset with me..............

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