Wednesday, October 29, 2008

oh PMS and the aging body

I have a zit
a crink in my neck
my sciatic nerve was bad this week
that lead to the back ache I had the other day
I am tired
I need to get my tits mashed in one of those machines for a baseline
I took my new xanax I think it did nothing
I am trying to breath
trying to smile
trying to find some time for me to do the million things I hope to do
trying to keep up with Devin and his potty chair
a friend called with a sign from God, she says to pray about it, but I think she was my sign already
so I will wait it out to see what else God thinks
I wish I had more time to do the things I am passionate about
this week with doing hair has been good and bad one busy night and Devin was perfect
one busy night and Devin was a terror with no help from Brenden, but why should he its not his problem, I yelled at him anyway
Brad called home and I told him not now, well he was then not thrilled, it was just a call to say he was on his way, but at that moment I just wanted to say "good for you"
I just did 3 clients on top of one another with color cut and eyebrow arching with Devin in the middle of it, trying to focus on what I was doing, in my small room, that had another friend in it and a husband waiting out in the family room.... JOY JOY JOY
today I finally picked up an ice maker we bought over a month ago
I finally got a nap in, that was much needed
I am trying to quit smoking, even though I hardly smoke, I should not smoke at all, so one is bad. today I had one, someone should slap my hand.
I wanted to work on Halloween stuff, but it will have to wait
tonight my ghost shows are on, and I am pumped about that.
Halloween night I am torn, there is a live ghost hunters on for like 7 hours andI have a court Halloween gathering starting at the same time, oh what to do, I will have to tape it or get a tv outside!
so my potatoes are boiling and I still have to cook my Salisbury steak patties so I should run for now. Lets hope and pray PMS passes fast, and God protects the family that has to live with me, LOL

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