Thursday, October 23, 2008

first born

Here you go mommies - a different kind of survey for a change - it's all about your first born!


Were you married at the time you got pregnant?
few months in to it, thank goodness , I had insurance for what was to come


What was your reaction?

3.. How old were you?


How did you find out you were pregnant?
after hours at the dr office, we took a test the girl could not say fast enough when was your last "OH my goodness you are pregnant" I freaked


Who did you tell first:
Brad but his mom and her boyfriend took me to her office for an after hours test, she worked for the obgyn as her nurse


Did you want to find out the sex?


Due date?
August 4th

]8..What is your baby's actual birthday?
July 5


Did you have morning sickness?
the very begining, with both kids


What did you crave?
Way to go for memory Kathy
I was not allowed sugar so that was out,I dont remember during, I crave different things even now so this is hard for me.
I did after I have Brenden fall in love with cantalope, didnt eat it before, so Brad's mom would cut up big things of fruit for me and bring it with cottage cheese, it was the first thing I ate after having Brenden and I was hooked


Who irritated you the most?
well when you know you are getting fatter and people around you say oh you look so good like you arent even pregnant, so you are saying I look like I am getting fat?


What was your child’s gender?


Where's question 13? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I dont think thsi one I can answer


Did you have any complications during your pregnancy?
that good ol heart condition I have but this is when it was discovered, the pregnancy brought it all to a head and well it was a blessing and the scariest time for me, for all of us. We made it as you can see.
There were different things I had to go through with platlets, rest, meds, tests, dr visits. It was in all though a good pregnancy, just soooo much new info to take in.


How many hours were you in labor?
induced so by the time they induced in the evening, I had him the next morning at 10:31, not too bad, Hours I dont know I am not that kind of a person (not detailed) I just go with the facts, its a fact he came out!


Who drove you to the hospital?
Brad, maybe his mom was with us too


Who watched? GOD
Brad, Pastor Dave, Eileen, 2 dr, 3 nurses, ummmmmm the others I could not see, there were a LOT of people in the room and door way dad judy, prayer team


Was it natural or c-section?
natural and then some, it was a high risk delivery so it was sort of special, LOL


How much did your child weigh?
5 lbs 10 oz


Did your child have any complications?
premie and jaundice, I had to go to ICU heart unit for 24 hours, it was such a wonderful experience let me tell ya,


What is your baby's name?
Brenden Frank


How old is your first-born today?
12 years old

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Dont blame your momma for everything!

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