Thursday, October 09, 2008

no venturing out this morning

poor Devin, he is ready to go every freakin morning, "I go Bye Bye" he says
well the park is his favorite, and going to friends houses, usually we go to see Ryan, or Zach and Siller.
This morning we are in, there is kind of a manhunt under way, yeah I know, nice huh!
so we are in with locked doors not that my house is appealing to a man on the run.
You never know though. Some of the schools are closed the west side of Hwy K, that is opposite of us, but we are staying in to be safe. I sent my child off to the bus stop on his own without knowing any of this, I was tired Devin was sleeping so Brenden took himself to school, he said good bye, kisses and see you later.
I wake 30 minutes later and my phone rings, my mother in law " does Brenden have school?" "what are you talking about" she tells me and of course I am immediatly looking for paper and markers to make my "MOTHER OF THE YEAR" award, or should I say finish making it from other wonderful things I have done latley. Well turns out that its not in my subdivision so I felt a bit better, there are two other mom's that do the bus stop thing so I know he is safe at school.
Back to Devin, he of course is talking about leaving, I told him a few times we are in for a bit, just now he came up as if pleading his case and said "moooooooooooommmm, I go play" awwww so cute "NO, manhunt under way son"
so we will find something fun like cleaning maybe, to do around here, hey the kid likes to clean so it is a fun thing and I skipped it yesterday. The sun coming in the back windows is proving the dust is all over the wood, so we will be like magicians and make it vanish.
Ta Ta for now!

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