Sunday, October 05, 2008

Blow the dust off her and she shines up real nice like!

well the dust is offically off this photographer.
I had such a great and busy weekend, I totally admit I have much to learn about exposure, WOW that sun is a tricky devil, but I will get it.

I was able to shoot 2 families and my own
on Saturday and 1 on Sunday, my other 3 families had to reschedule due to different reasons but are on my radar for next weekend.

I will share some of my favorites with you here and you can see the others on my slide show at the bottom, there are two, one is snap shots of all kinds of stuff, the other is the photos from this weekend, you will know when you see it.

I also played around with some photos, trying something new to me, collages! a way to get many favorites on to one page, I LOVE THIS! adding words and many photos, soo my thang I tell ya.
I was able to finish 2 families, I have the other to download in to the computer and my own to work with, but I am pleased with what I have seen so far.
Well I have much more work to do, and Sunday is coming to an end so I better scoot!


robbieniccum said...

Good Job MAMA!!!!
I bet the families were super happy : )
Good for you!

3 wonderful gifts said...

You still have it!!!! All those photos are great. I think I'm going to start doing pics on the side also just cause it seems to be a passion of mine. Keep the pics coming I love looking at them.

Lisa said...

Thanks girlfriends
I appreciate, I am pleased, for as much as I do and dont know I am happy with how they turned out.
I see what I need to learn, and I have to redo one of the set ups, off to do that now, anyway, I appreciate your comments, more to come.................
Amber, you go for it girl, My passion for photography is amazing, what a high it is for me, nerve wrecking at times, but I do love it....

3 wonderful gifts said...

I so love photography. While we were @ homecoming My husband started talking to the photographer about my passion for photography and all. By the end of the convo I got in trouble because I take pics and just give them away instead of making them PAY!!! I find it so hard to do that. I'm having problems finding a good photo shop program. The guy taking homecoming pics told me I had good pics and if I played my cards right I could get those pics to help pay for my equipment.

Lisa said...

you should have people pay, too many will take advantage of your talent, I dont charge much for friends and family, well anyone, right now it is all practice for me and I appreciate them paying, but I guarantee the work, if there are no usable photos, as in I suck, they dont pay for that. I did free to start and then started charging small sitting fees, I am now up on my pricing, but friends and family, they pay $15 to $20 per family for their shoot and I burn all photos to disc, including black and whites of the color photos I take, then they can do as they wish, now if they know someone who wants photos then the prices go up, I will adjust for all that in the future, but that money as Robbie told me needs to go into my photo fund for all that equipment, software, items I want to take me further.
As Brad says he will go buy it all today if I am ready to go make the bills off of it, he will stay home with the kids. Nice try, I am not that ready buddy.
So practice charge a small fee, they are getting a great deal and you are getting practice.......
go for it

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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