Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Kids are forever making us laugh

Last night Daddy got in late from work, but was hoping to catch kids before bed, must have been a tired night because they were already down, but not a sleep.
Devin got up to spend time with Daddy, Brad went to the kitchen to cook an egg sandwich with Devin on his heals
Devin hugged and talked to dad and his leg, even sitting next to him at the table with his own snack, talking to dad and sharing the days events, (to bring you up to speed Daddy is a HUGE burper, cant help it, he wakes up and burps, its his thang)
So Brad after eating lets out a huge belch, Devin looks at him stands straight up in his seat to reach over Brad and picks up his napkin, he then proceeds to wipe Brads mouth
I dont think we have laughed so hard, well since the last thing our kids did to make us laugh!!!


robbieniccum said...


by the way, that egg sandwich sounded so good I had to make my over easy eggs with tortilla, yummy.

Lisa said...

I made corn, black beans and rice today with some homemade salsa on top!!!!! HA

Dont blame your momma for everything!

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